Francis Kéré: Award-Winning Architect Says World Has Become Cheap

#africa #burkinafaso #architecture #pritzkerarchitectureprize #pritzkerprize #pritzker #leadership World renowned architect Francis Kéré has criticized the modern shift towards materials and…

Residents of Mexico City neighborhood keep iconic Volkswagen Beetle cars up and running

The Volkswagen Beetle may have been born in Germany, but in Cuautepec, a hilly neighborhood on the fringes of the…

Trump endorses Ten Commandments in schools, implores evangelical Christians to vote in November

Former US President Donald Trump told a group of evangelicals they “cannot afford to sit on the sidelines” of the…

Minor scuffles between police and protesters demanding resignation of Israel government

Minor scuffles broke out on Saturday between police and protesters in Tel Aviv demanding the resignation of the Israeli government….

AP Top Stories June 22 P

Here’s the latest for Saturday, June 22nd: Dozens killed in Israeli airstrikes across northern Gaza; Israel said it killed a…

Hajj pilgrimage: more than 1,000 dead in extreme 52C heatwave | BBC News

More than 1,000 people are now reported to have died due to extreme heat in Saudi Arabia, while taking part…

EU’s Michel confirms leaders yet to reach final agreement on candidates for bloc’s top jobs

(17 Jun 2024) RESTRICTION SUMMARY: ASSOCIATED PRESS Brussels, Belgium – 18 June 2024 1. European Council President Charles Michel arriving…

Miles de maestros colombianos presionan al Congreso en contra de proyecto sobre educación

(17 Jun 2024) ASSOCIATED PRESS Bogota, Colombia – 17 June 2024 1. Various of teachers marching through the streets of…

Actor Ian McKellen, 85, is hospitalized after toppling off stage in London

(17 Jun 2024) ASSOCIATED PRESS New York – 13 March 2017 1. Ian McKellen talking to reporter ASSOCIATED PRESS London…

Nashville court grapples with details on school shooter that were leaked to media

(17 Jun 2024) RESTRICTION SUMMARY: ASSOCIATED PRESS Nashville, Tennessee – 17 June 2024 1. People file into court room POOL…