Wes Anderson attends Paris opening of exhibit dedicated to his work

(18 Mar 2025)
Paris – 17 March 2025
1. Various Wes Anderson posing for photographers on red carpet for exhibit opening at La Cinematheque Francaise
2. Cutaway photographers
3. Medium Wes Anderson posing for photographers with French music composer Alexandre Desplat, who won an Academy Award for scoring Anderson’s “The Grand Budapest Hotel”
4. Pull focus Wes Anderson posing for photographers with French screenwriter Nicolas Saada, who was an actor in Anderson’s “Isle of Dogs” and “The French Dispatch”
5. Wide shot Wes Anderson with Nicolas Saada leaving photocall
6. Wide interior of Wes Anderson exhibit featuring large portrait of Wes Anderson (photographed by Laura Wilson) on red walls
7. Various of costumes from “The Royal Tenenbaums” featuring a red adidas tracksuit worn by Ben Stiller, a long fur coat worn by Gwyneth Paltrow and suit with polo shirt worn by Luke Wilson
8. Various of painting portraying commander Zissou played by Bill Murray in “The Life Aquatic of Steve Zissou”
9. Various of props and costumes designed by Milena Canonero from “The Life Aquatic of Steve Zissou”
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Johanna Agerman Ross, co-Curator of the Wes Anderson exhibit/Chief Curator at the London Design Museum:
“The very special aspect of this exhibition and of Wes Anderson’s work is that he has meticulously kept many of the props and objects that you see in this exhibition throughout his over 30 year long career. So starting with “Rushmore,’ which is one of the first films that we’re looking at in this exhibition, he started to store and retain the props that he had created for the films.”
11. Wide of “Rushmore” room at the Wes Anderson exhibit
12. Various of props and costumes from “Rushmore” including red beret and blazer worn by actor Jason Schwartzman
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Matthieu Orlean, co-Curator of the Wes Anderson exhibit, Chief Curator at la Cinemateque Francaise:
“What has never been shown, I think, is a little bit about the method of working. And so which means, like, storyboarding he’s designing. Also notebooks he’s keeping, Polaroids, things that are part of his process. And people know that he’s not the kind of film director who will make improvisation when he’s on the set. Everything has been thought as being anticipated. It doesn’t mean that there’s no variation on the set, but he’s a film director that knows a lot about what he wants to have in the frame before even the shooting begins. So all of these, like storyboarding, show how much he has the movie in his mind before being with a camera even.”
14. Various of visitors looking at the framed storyboard pages for “Bottle Rocket,” drawn by Wes Anderson
15. Various of model of the Grand Budapest hotel used in the namesake film
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Matthieu Orlean, co-Curator of the Wes Anderson exhibit, Chief Curator at la Cinemateque Francaise:
“The hotel doesn’t exist in real [life], they went to a mall (former department store Görlitzer Warenhau), as I said, but the outside it was not possible because the mall didn’t have any facade that could be used like that. So they needed to recreate [it]. And he’s working with a lot of props people and miniature and maquette people. They did it and now it’s there. It’s huge, it’s beautiful. And you really feel the movie comes to your mind immediately because it’s so strong and people know it. And we are very happy to have it coming from California.”
17. Pan of framed sketches of characters from “The Grand Budapest Hotel”
18. Tilt up of Zero Lobby Boy costume designed by Milena Canonero from "The Grand Budapest Hotel”


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News post in March 23, 2025, 3:04 pm.

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