Historic treasures unearthed in Bogota’s former crime hub, the Bronx

(14 Mar 2025)

Bogota, Colombia – 13 March 2025
1. Aerial of building where artifacts were found ++MUTE++
2.19th century drain found during the works
3. Various of works
4. Various of archeologists working with elements found
5. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Sthefany Vélez, archaeologist:
“We guarantee the rescue and protection of any archaeological elements that may be buried. In this process, we have come across all these findings. To date, we have more than 51 thousand objects and fragments classified in the laboratory. However, it is an ongoing investigation. We have not finished yet. There is still a lot of classification work to be done, there are still some excavations to be done”
6. Piece of ceramic
7. Ancient toothbrush shown in archaeologist’s hand. UPSOUND (Spanish) "This is a carved bone toothbrush. It is one of the first toothbrushes. They were made with bone and animal hair bristles.
8. Various of artefacts
9. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Blanca Andrea Sánchez, El Bronx project director:
“The Esquina Redonda (area’s preserved building) keeps not only the history and memory of what was lived in this space as a narrative of the beings, the families that lived in this place, but also will have a space for these pieces to come to life and be part of it.”
10. Various of building
11. Various aerial shots of building, the Bronx area ++MUTE++
A group of construction workers in downtown Bogota were surprised when they uncovered pieces from Colombia’s colonial past while working on an old building.

Even though experts say the area isn’t known for archaeological finds, more than 51,000 fragments have been discovered so far.

These range from pre-Hispanic artifacts from the Muisca people to a water drainage system from Spanish colonial times.

The discoveries were made in an area known as the Bronx, once controlled by drug cartels until the government cleared it out in 2016.

Now, the area is being redeveloped into a design district.

The Bronx, also called "the L" because of the shape of its streets, was once a hotspot for drug dealing, human trafficking, illegal gambling, and violence.

Authorities say people were even tortured and killed inside some of the buildings there.

Muisca fragments from the 16th century have been found, as well as elements such as porcelain pots and pans, Chinese porcelain, and English chinaware that reflect the occupation of the land from the 17th century to the present.

Some objects hint at the lifestyle of past residents, like a carved bone brush with animal hair bristles.

The only building still standing from the old Bronx is called "Esquina Redonda" (Round Corner).

It will be preserved as a memorial, remembering the people who lived there under dangerous conditions when criminal gangs ran the area.

"The Esquina Redonda (area’s preserved building) keeps not only the history and memory of this space as a narrative of the beings, the families that lived in this place but also will have a space for these pieces to come to life and be part of it," said Blanca Andrea Sánchez, director of the El Bronx project.

AP Video shot by Marko Alvarez


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News post in March 19, 2025, 6:05 pm.

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