Syrians in Idlib mark Ramadan festivities, their first without Bashar Assad

(13 Mar 2025)



LENGTH: 4:29

Idlib, Syria – 5 March 2025
1. Various aerials of the market in Idlib city ++MUTE++
2. Various of pastry on display
3. Vegetables and fruits on display
4. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Ghayyath Rqayya, Idlib city resident:
"This is a Ramadan without Bashar Assad, without the Assad regime, without bombing, without airstrikes. Our feelings are truly indescribable. We still can’t believe what happened. To be in Idlib right now without bombing is new for us, frankly. We lived through previous times when the bombing was constant at suhoor and iftar (Ramadan meal) times. All our days of displacement have become memories, thank God for everything. Right now, we are living a dream, frankly. We can’t believe what is happening right in front of us. We are going out and about, walking, going to Aleppo, to Damascus, to Homs. And from here, from Idlib, the spark of liberation was launched. Praise be to God."

5. Various of Ramadan juice seller, Mohammad al-Najjar melodically chanting to draw attention to his product
6. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Mohammad al-Najjar, Idlib city resident:
"It is an indescribable feeling, thank God. In the past, there were rockets and aircraft. The situation was scary. That’s one thing. The second thing is, thank God, people are now able to see their families. I mean, I can go and visit my family, or my family can come visit me. We weren’t able to see them for the past 9 years. It has been 8 to 9 years that we weren’t able to see them at all."

7. Various of al-Najjar placing juice in bags
8. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Mohammad al-Najjar, Idlib city resident:
"With the fall of Assad, God willing, the future will be better. The most important thing is that we got rid of the entire Assad family. This is the most important thing for us. God willing, the situation will be better for us and for our children. God willing, everything will get better."

9. Various of Ramadan decorations on display

Al-Azraq camp, northern Idlib countryside, Syria – 5 March 2025
10. Various aerials of Al-Azraq Camp for displaced Syrians ++MUTE++
11. Sign a entrance of camp, children playing
12. Various of Sama’a al-Nasser and her son inside their tent, they were displaced from their village in southern Idlib countryside five years ago
13. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Sama’a al-Nasser, displaced woman:
"We made it out from under the bombing. We made it out from under the shelling. And thank God, the regime fell. We went back to our homes, but what can I say? All of them were demolished or damaged. It is God’s command. We have gotten rid of him (Assad) and thank God for that."

14. Wide of al-Nasser’s son
15. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Sama’a Al-Nasser, displaced woman:
"When I went and saw the house, I felt weak. I have four houses, but nothing was left in them — no quilts, no belongings, nothing at all. They destroyed them and turned them into ruins. I pray to God to deprive them of any success. Now, if we return, how will we be able to fix them up and stay in them? We don’t know."

16. Various of al-Nasser doing chores at home
17. Various of children playing outside
18. Men sitting outside tent
19. Various of sewage water between tents
Some of the Syrians in Idlib city say they are overjoyed with the month of Ramadan this year because it is the first since the fall of the Assad family rule.

Idlib city resident Ghayyath Rqayya said he recalls times under Assad’s rule "when the bombing was constant" during Ramadan meal times.

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News post in March 18, 2025, 12:05 pm.

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