Followers of Sufi Islamic group in Iraq practice special rituals in Ramadan

(10 Mar 2025)



LENGTH: 2:52

Baghdad – 6 March 2025
1. Various of followers of the Kasnazani Sufi religious group at special spiritual sessions held in the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan
2. Kasnazani followers swaying during session
3. Various of revelers beating drums
4. Various of followers performing spiritual chants during session
5. Various of cleric leading the session
6. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Mohammed Qaisar, follower of Kasnazani Sufi order:
"We are dervishes (followers) of the Aliya al-Qadiriya al-Kasnazaniya group and we have gathered today inside the Kasnazani Takiya (the group’s hub and education center) in Ramadan. The Aliya al-Qadiriya al-Kasnazaniya group calls on its followers to perform zikr (religious chants and prayer) and to observe Ramadan nights because the month of Ramadan has a special nature. It differs from other times (of the year) because it is a blessed month, when the holy Quran was revealed. All of the days in Ramadan feature nightly prayers by the dervishes of Aliya al-Qadiriya al-Kasnazaniya group."

7. Various of dervishes and followers of the Kasnazani order performing spiritual rituals
8. Poster of Kasnazani group’s leading figures
9. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Ridha Ali Haboob, supervisor on the Kasnazani Cultural Council in Baghdad:
"Our group, the Kasnazani group is based on moderation and centrism. Our current leader raises the flag of love, the love for the Prophet (Muhammad), peace be upon him. He always repeats that there is no solution for the problems facing Islamic society – except for the path of love, love for the Prophet (Muhammad), peace be upon him. Our group is distant from sectarian and ethnic divisions. Our path is the path of love, moderation and centrism as well as respecting people’s humanity."

10. Various of performers singing and beating drums during special rituals held in Ramadan
11. Sign reading (Arabic): "Kasnazani Takiya (hub) in Baghdad, established by Sheikh Mohammed Sheikh Abdulkarim al-Kasnazani in 1982"
12. People inside the Kasnazani religious group’s hub and education center
Followers of the Islamic Kasnazani Sufi group in Iraq are holding regular spiritual sessions during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, a time of increased worship and heightened spirituality.

The Kasnazani group embraces Sufi traditions, which is a mystical Islamic belief.

Men gather every night in Baghdad during Ramadan to hold special sessions and celebrations featuring religious chants and prayers.

Ramadan is a time of togetherness for Muslims, as they fill mosques for hours of prayer and share meals with family, friends and neighbors after days of dawn-to-dusk fasting.

"Ramadan has a special nature. It differs from other times (of the year) because it is a blessed month," said Mohammed Qaisar, a follower of Kasnazani Sufi order. "All of the days in Ramadan feature nightly prayers."

Men, young and old, taking part in the sessions follow the lead of one spiritual leader who recites religious verses.

They sway in devotion to God as they sing praises to the beat of the daf frame drum during the nightly ritual.

Followers of this group say it makes no distinction between Shia and Sunni Muslims, or Kurdish and Arab followers.

"Our group is distant from sectarian and ethnic divisions. Our path is the path of love, moderation and centrism," said Ridha Ali Haboob of the Kasnazani Cultural Council in Baghdad.

The Kasnazani Sufi group claims a lineage to Prophet Muhammad through his cousin and son-in-law, Ali.

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News post in March 15, 2025, 12:05 pm.

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