(8 Mar 2025)
Mexico City – 8 March 2025
1. Various of a group of women playing instruments and singing at demonstration
2. Women marching
3. Women chanting against femicides UPSOUND (Spanish) “Don’t be indifferent, women are killed in people’s faces.”
4. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Arcelia Alvarado, 30 years old, designer and protester:
"(to the authorities) Listen, listen to the mothers of the women who are no longer here, to the women who from now on have to continue their lives knowing that their daughter, or their sister, is no longer alive. Listen to them, they need to be heard. Clearly there is nothing that can bring back a lost daughter to a mother but at least that her voice can resonate. I think that would be a great first step."
Sao Paulo – 8 March 2025
5. Women holding sign written (Portuguese) “For the life of women!”
6. Various of group of women marching through central Paulista Avenue, singing and playing the drums
7. Various of women painting their cheeks with the symbol of feminism
8. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Cristiane de Lucia, 38, nurse:
"There’s feminicide, women dying just for being women. We must have the right to exist, to be who we want and do what we want.”
9. Woman delivering a speech from a truck
10. Woman speaking to the crowd UPSOUND (Portuguese) “Afraid to leave our homes, today our girls are being raped in the peripheries”
Lima, Peru – 8 March 2025
11. Various of women playing music around a large Peruvian flag
12. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Shely Cabrera, lawyer, feminist activist:
"We are here because we believe that women have the right to be heard, to have our fundamental rights guaranteed and, above all, because united we are heard."
13. Peruvian Indigenous women during march
Thousands of women marched to the National Palace in Mexico City on Saturday marking International Women’s Day demanding an end to the violence and femicides that plague the North American country.
“Don’t be indifferent, women are killed in people’s faces.” chanted a group of young women during the march.
"Clearly there is nothing that can bring back a lost daughter to a mother but at least that her voice can resonate. I think that would be a great first step," said Arcelia Alvarado to The Associated Press.
In Sao Paulo, Brazil’s most populous city, the march along the central Paulista Avenue was led by a banner shouting “For women’s lives!”
The march brought together activists, union workers, leftist parties and feminist groups demanding gender equality, labor rights, legal abortion and more action to combat violence against women in the country.
"There’s feminicide, women dying just for being women. We must have the right to exist, to be who we want and do what we want,” said Cristiane de Lucia, a nurse at the demonstration.
This year Brazil marks the 10th anniversary of the approval of the Femicide Law, which defines the conditions for the crime of femicide and classified it as a heinous crime.
According to the most recent data from Brazil’s Public Safety Yearbook, in 2023, 1,467 women were assassinated in the country for gender reasons – the highest number since the enactment of the law that defines the crime in 2015.
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News post in March 14, 2025, 12:05 am.
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