Protests in Turkey on International Women’s Day demand protection from domestic violence

(8 Mar 2025)

Istanbul – 8 March 2025
1. Various of demonstrators holding flags and signs
2. Heavy police presence near protest
3. Mid of protesters
4. Mid of police by protesters
5. Wide of protesters
6. Various of protesters holding signs
7. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Yaz Gulgun, demonstrator: ++STARTS ON SHOT 2 AND PARTIALLY OVERLAID BY SHOT 8++
"Femicide is extremely high, this needs to be prevented. Our police force, the ongoing legal struggle (needs to improve). Just the day before yesterday, a female landscaping worker went missing. There is bullying at work, pressure from husbands and fathers at home, and pressure from the patriarchal society. We demand that this pressure be reduced even further."
8. Various of protesters
9. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Selvi Alkancelik, demonstrator: ++STARTS ON SHOT 8 AND PARTIALLY OVERLAID BY SHOTS 10 AND 11++
"Let women be free. I want them to go somewhere without asking permission from her husband, to go anywhere without fear when she returns home at night, to go anywhere freely without fear. I want freedom for all women in the world."
10. Various of protesters with flags
11. Various of protesters

Diyarbakir, Turkey – 8 March 2025
12. Wide of Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) and protesters playing traditional instruments and marching
13. Wide of women waving flag reading (Kurdish): "Woman, life, freedom"
14. Mid of women performing a traditional dance
15. Wide of protest
16. Various of women dancing
Thousands of women took to the streets of Turkish cities on Saturday to mark International Women’s Day, protesting against inequality and violence against women.

A large police presence, including officers in riot gear and a water cannon truck were present at a rally in Kadıköy, the Asian side of Istanbul.

Crowds also gathered in Diyarbakir, the largest city in Turkey’s Kurdish-majority southeast, where protesters marched in the streets waving signs and banners aloft whilst dancing and playing traditional music.

The women’s day protests across the country were the first planned public demonstrations since the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, announced a ceasefire last week, bringing hope for an end to a 40-year conflict with the Turkish state.

The government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared 2025 to be the Year of the Family.

Protesters pushed back against the idea of women’s role being confined to marriage and motherhood.

Critics have accused the government of overseeing restrictions on women’s rights and not doing enough to tackle male violence against women.

Erdogan in 2021 withdrew Turkey from a European treaty, dubbed the Istanbul Convention, that protects women from domestic violence.

Turkey’s We Will Stop Femicides Platform says 394 women were killed by men in 2024.

“There is bullying at work, pressure from husbands and fathers at home and pressure from patriarchal society. We demand that this pressure be reduced even further,” demonstrator Yaz Gulgun said.

AP video by Mehmet Guzel and Mucahit Ceylan


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News post in March 13, 2025, 6:04 pm.

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