(7 Mar 2025)
Moyray, Brazil – 21 February 2025
1. Various aerial of Moyray Village and Iguapenu Lake
2. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Amélia Braga, teacher in the Murutinga village: ++PARTIALLY COVERED++
"We’ve never left our village to go to Canada to dig up what they have there. So, how can they come here, into our land, wanting to mess with everything that God left here?"
3. Indigenous Mura people arriving to participate in assembly opposing the potassium project
4. Various of Indigenous Mura people danding and playing traditional music
5. Wide of Professor César Augusto Bubolz Queiroz addressing the assembly
6. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) César Augusto Bubolz Queiroz, history Professor at the Federal University of Amazonas: ++PARTIALLY COVERED++
"(The Canadian company) Potassio do Brasil, by extracting potassium here, especially in Lago do Soares, puts sustainability at risk, puts the Amazon and nature at risk, and puts the survival of the Mura people at risk."
Lago do Soares, Brazil – 18 February 2025
7. Various of Indigenous leader Filipe Gabriel Mura on boat
ANNOTATION: The $2.5 billion project seeks to mine for potash, a mineral used to make fertilizer that is essential to the agribusiness sector.
8. Mura showing sign placed at site of exploratory well for future potassium drilling UPSOUND (Portuguese) "This is the sign that was put up by the company that carried out the drilling."
9. Various close shots of sign
10. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Filipe Gabriel Mura, Indigenous leader: ++PARTIALLY COVERED++
"What they keep saying, both the company and the new coordination of the Mura Indigenous Council, is that this is not Indigenous territory and that the project is not on Indigenous land. But this is also Soares. This is part of Soares, there are families living nearby."
10. View of exploratory well for future potassium drilling; homes on the background
Autazes, Brazil – 19 February 2025
11. Aerial of building where the Mura Indigenous Council is holding a meeting in support of the potassium project
12. Various of Indigenous Mura people dancing and playing traditional music
13. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Aldinelson Moraes Pavão, vice coordinator of the Mura Indigenous Council:++PARTIALLY COVERED++
"The Mura Indigenous Council represents 32 villages who accepted the Potassio de Brasil project. Five villages split off from the Mura Indigenous Council. They’re forming a resistance group (against the mine.) Nothing against them, but they also need to respect our decision."
14. Moraes and other leaders addressing the crowd
15. Band playing traditional music during assembly
16. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Aldinelson Moraes Pavão, vice coordinator of the Mura Indigenous Council: ++PARTIALLY COVERED++
"I believe that no one will be at a disadvantage. After all, it’s not a mine that will be on top of the land. It’s an underground mine. So, for us, I don’t think it would affect anything."
17. Various of Potassio do Brasil office in Autazes
ANNOTATION: The company says it has consulted the Mura people and that the majority support the mining project.
18. Exterior of Mura Indigenous Council
19. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Kleber de Almeida Prado, coordinator of the Mura Indigenous Council: ++PARTIALLY COVERED++
"The company is taking the necessary precautions regarding the implementation of the project. So everything is proceeding normally, without impacting the environment."
Lago do Soares, Brazil – 17 February 2025
20. Aerial view of the Lago do Soares Indigenous community
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News post in March 12, 2025, 3:05 pm.
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