Bill Murray’s movie choices

(5 Mar 2025)

New York – 27 February 2025
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Bill Murray, actor – on the experience:
“There was a time when my agent wouldn’t let me take a job that’s, you know, (because) I only get paid this much or something stupid like that, or a name director or something ridiculous. You know, real actors go like, ‘Where’s the stuff? Show me the script. What is there to do? I don’t care what the money is. I want to do the good stuff.’ Because, you know, here I am, this far out in my life, my career, and it’s like when I look back at the movies I’m like, ‘That one was good, that one was good. That was good.’ It wasn’t because the money was right or the name was right. It was because the story and the script was right. And those are the – that’s how you, you know, that’s what you leave behind is the choices you make of the films you do.”



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News post in March 10, 2025, 3:05 pm.

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