Pope stable but will sleep with ventilation mask, Vatican says | AP Explains

(4 Mar 2025)

Vatican City – 4 March 2025
1. Various of St. Peter’s Basilica
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Philip Crowther, The Associated Press:
"As the Vatican prepares for Lent, Pope Francis, his condition can be described as stable, say his doctors. After two respiratory crises the previous day, this Tuesday doctors say he only needed supplemental oxygen to breathe. No need for the ventilation mask that had been used previously, though it was going to be used during the night, the 19th night that the 88-year-old pope will have spent at the Gemelli Hospital here in Rome. Doctors here at the Vatican also say that his prognosis can still only be described as guarded. That means that he is not out of danger. The Pope, since entering hospital on the 14th of February, has not been seen in public and no photos have been released of him, and he also won’t be seen this Ash Wednesday. The traditional ceremony, the service and the procession here in Rome will happen but a cardinal has been designated as taking the place of Pope Francis."

Rome – 4 March 2025
3. Various of Gemelli hospital

Vatican City – 4 March 2025
4. Various of St. Peter’s Square

Rome – 4 March 2025
5. Various of candles and people praying under Francis’ windows
Pope Francis was in stable condition Tuesday and breathing with just the help of supplemental oxygen after a respiratory crises a day earlier, but will resume using a ventilation mask at night, the Vatican said.

In its late update, the Vatican said Francis had no further respiratory episodes during a day spent praying, resting and undergoing respiratory physiotherapy to try to help him fight double pneumonia.

The 88-year-old pope, who has chronic lung disease and had part of one lung removed as a young man, had two respiratory crises on Monday in a setback to his recovery.

Doctors extracted “copious” amounts of mucus from his lungs. They put him on a noninvasive mechanical ventilation mask to help him breathe and he slept with it through the night, but was stable enough on Tuesday morning to use just high flows of supplemental oxygen delivered by a nasal tube.

Doctors planned to resume using the mask while he sleeps Tuesday night, so that oxygen is pumped into his lungs via a mask that covers his nose and mouth.

Doctors said his clinical condition was stable and that his prognosis remained guarded, meaning he is not out of danger.

Francis’ medical team has not provided an in-person update on his condition since Feb. 21, a sign of the up-and-down nature of his hospitalization, which began on Feb. 14 and is the longest of his 12-year papacy.

AP video by Silvia Stellacci


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News post in March 9, 2025, 9:04 pm.

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