(4 Mar 2025)
Rome – 4 March 2025
1. Balloon with Pope Francis’ face, windows of his suite at the hospital in background
2. Pope’s suite windows
3. Paramedic at Gemelli hospital entrance
4. Gemelli hospital banners
5. Various of Emilia Mugnano, catholic faithful from the island of Procida in Italy, praying near the statue of Pope John Paul II
6. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Emilia Mugnano, catholic faithful from Procida, Italy:
“It is like he is a member of our family, more than that. He gave a great example. He changed, he revolutionized the church. And we hope he will continue in this direction.”
7. Various of people praying under Pope Francis’ windows
8. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Alessandra Pagliari, from Rome:
(Journalist: What are your feelings today after the news of new respiratory crises?)
"It is a feeling of apprehension, I join the prayer of the entire Catholic Church to have the Pope back in his duties."
(Journalist: Are you confident he will come back?)
"Yes, yes.”
9. Various of candles, Pope John Paul II statue and Gemelli hospital
Vatican City – 4 March 2025
10. Wide of St. Peter’s Basilica pilgrims for Jubilee making their way towards Holy Door
11. Large rosaries and plastic cross on sale at newsstand near Vatican
12. Various of calendars and tiles with photos of Pope Francis on sale at newsstand
13. Various of pilgrims from Jakarta taking a picture in front of St. Peter’s Basilica
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Father Joseph Situmorang, pilgrim from Jakarta:
“We are from Indonesia, we are here for pilgrimage, especially for the Porta Sancta (Holy Door). Of course, we really hope for the recovery of our beloved pope. I am a Jesuit as well, so I met him a few months ago in Jakarta. And It’s a very beautiful moment to come here, to see the place in Rome, in the Vatican. We do pray for the health of our pope.”
15. People walking in St. Peter’s Square
16. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Marcelo Romero Alvarez, tourist from Buenos Aires, Argentina:
“Pope Jorge Bergoglio, or Francisco is a very important person in Buenos Aires. He is a fan of a club there in Argentina, San Lorenzo. He has always been with the poor and he is a Jesuit. So he is an example of life and gives a lot of support to the priests who work in the poor areas of Argentina. So that’s very important for us that he is the Pope.”
17. Low shot of St. Peter’s Square
Catholic faithful in Rome and the Vatican City prayed for Pope Francis’ recovery on Tuesday, after he stabilized following two respiratory crises.
Francis has resumed using a nasal tube for oxygen, rather than a ventilation mask, as he continued to fight pneumonia, the Vatican said.
The 88-year-old pope, who has chronic lung disease and had part of one lung removed as a young man, woke up after sleeping through the night, the Vatican said.
“It is like he is a member of our family, more than that," said Emilia Mugnano, who was praying outside Francis’ hospital suite.
"He revolutionized the church. And we hope he will continue in this direction," added Mugnano, who travelled from Procida.
Meanwhile, in Vatican, Father Joseph Situmorang, a pilgrim from Jakarta wished for Francis’ recovery.
"It’s a very beautiful moment to come here, to see the place in Rome, in the Vatican," he added.
Francis’ treatment comes as the Vatican prepares for Lent, the solemn period leading up to Easter on April 20. As it is, a cardinal has been designated to take Francis’ place this week on Ash Wednesday, which opens Lent with a traditional service and procession in Rome.
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News post in March 9, 2025, 3:05 pm.
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