HMD unveils device for teens

(3 Mar 2025)

Barcelona, Spain – 2 March 2025
1. Various of presentation of HMD’s new Fusion X1 with parental control
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Drew Barrymore, actor and businesswoman:
“I was truly let out into the wild with too much access and too much excess. And I think everybody knows how that went for me. It was messy. It didn’t go well. And I really crashed and burned because what we need in the world when we’re born into it is someone out there looking out for us to keep us safe.”
3. Attendees trying new Fusion X1 model
4. SOUNDBITE (English) James Robinson, vice-president of family business at HMD: ++STARTS ON PREVIOUS SHOT AND PARTIALLY OVERLAID BY SHOTS 5 AND 6++
“In fact, about half of the people that responded to our survey have said that they’d been approached by a stranger online. We also saw that 37% of them had been tried to move to an encrypted chat. So these dangers are very much increasing and I think a lot of people are unaware of just how prevalent this behavior is. So, launching a product like the Fusion X1 is the first step in how we help parents to address these sorts of problems. And the really important part that we’ve done working with our partner Xplora is to deeply integrate the experience into the operating systems so that it can’t be deleted out of the device, it doesn’t matter what the kid does, it’s still there. And then it gives parents much deeper layers of control.”
5. Various of HMD staff pairing two Fusion X1s for a child and parent
6. Various of attendees trying new Fusion X1 mode
HMD has unveiled its first smartphone specifically designed to protect teens.

And the Finnish manufacturer, famous for making Nokia phones, has enlisted the help of actor Drew Barrymore to launch the Fusion X1.

“I was truly let out into the wild with too much access and too much excess. And I think everybody knows how that went for me," she said as the device was shown off at the MWC tech show in Barcelona.

"It was messy. It didn’t go well. And I really crashed and burned. Because what we need in the world when we’re born into it is someone out there looking out for us to keep us safe," she added.

Parents can control the Fusion X1 with a monthly Xplora subscription.

They can manage internet access, social media, and even activate "School Mode".

The service also tracks locations every 20 seconds.

It includes safe zones, emergency SOS calling, low battery alerts, and remote device access.

"It can’t be deleted out of the device, it doesn’t matter what the kid does, it’s still there. And then it gives parents much deeper layers of control," explained James Robinson, vice-president of family business at HMD.

AP video shot by Hernan Muñoz


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News post in March 8, 2025, 6:04 am.

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