Afro-Cuban worshippers perform rituals in a spiritual mass for the Pope’s health

(1 Mar 2025)

Havana, Cuba – 1 March 2025
1.⁠ ⁠Various of faithful performing rituals for the health of Pope Francis
2.⁠ ⁠Various of cross next to glasses with water, and flowers on table
3. Cloe of candle
4.⁠ ⁠Various of faithful performing rituals
5.⁠ ⁠SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Dania Lorenza Montero, faithful:
“Our Yoruba religion is a religion of joining forces, that’s why we are doing this Mass, because we are a very powerful religion.”
6.⁠ ⁠Various of faithful perfomring rituals
7.⁠ ⁠SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Gloria Esperanza Reyes, faithful:
“We want him (the Pope) to feel well on the day he hears our prayers. I hope he can hear our prayers and know that we all want him to be healed as soon as possible.”
8.⁠ ⁠Various of faithful performing rituals and dances
Afro-Cuban faithful held a spiritual celebration on Saturday as they prayed for the health of Pope Francis.

A dozen people, mostly women, dressed in white with turbans on their heads and adorned with the attributes of the deities that protect them -collars and manacles of different colors- prayed and danced for the Holy Father’s recovery.

“For Pope Francis to be saved, be saved,” they repeated several times in unison answering, ”So be it, so be it.”

In one of the halls of the Yoruba Association of Cuba, the Santeria faithful gathered in front of a table with a white tablecloth.

On the table, they placed the full name of the pontiff, Jorge Mario Bergolio, flowers, candles, and a container on the floor with water.

The ceremony was presided over by the Iyalocha, a type of priestess: 82-year-old Gloria Esperanza Reyes.

“A mass was held for the health of Pope Francis,” Reyes said after the ceremony was over.

“We want him to heal as soon as possible.”

Over the course of an hour, women made rounds to chant or sanctify themselves with water.

Santeria is a religion that emerged from the syncretism of the Catholic traditions brought by the Spanish conquistadors who arrived in Cuba and the African slaves they brought with them, who preserved their beliefs in the power of their faith deities.

AP video shot by: Milexsy Durán and Ariel Fernández


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News post in March 7, 2025, 12:05 am.

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