Pope Francis spent a quiet night and continues to rest as he battles double pneunomia

(28 Feb 2025)
Clients note: This item contains on-screen graphics, including AP branding.


Rome, Italy – 28 February 2025
1. Woman leaving a card for Pope Francis in front of late John Paul II statue at the entrance of ten Gemelli hospital
2. Close candles with Pope Francis images and a card reading (Italian) “Dear Pope come back home, love you, Peter”
3. Various of late John Paul II statue
4. Various of Gemelli hospital
5. Police officers at the gate of the hospital
6. Various of hospital
7. Close of candles
Pope Francis spent a quiet night and continues to rest, the Vatican said on Friday morning.

Francis’ condition continues to improve as he battles double pneumonia, though doctors say he needs more days of “clinical stability” before they revise their guarded prognosis.

The 88-year-old pope was able to begin alternating high-flow supplemental oxygen, delivered by a nasal tube, with a mask in a sign of his improved respiratory condition, the Vatican said in a late update.

For the second day in a row, doctors did not say Francis was in critical condition.

But they said that given the complexity of his lung infection, “further days of clinical stability are needed” before they declare he is out of danger.

Francis has been in Rome’s Gemelli hospital since February 14.


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News post in March 5, 2025, 9:04 am.

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