Moon sighting to determine Ramadan in Malaysia

(28 Feb 2025)

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – 28 February 2025
1. Various of astronome manning telescope for moon sighting that is being conducted to determine the start of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan
2. Telescope
3. Various of Malaysian astronomers viewing the horizon using various equipment
4. President Malaysian Shariah Astronomy Association Muhammad Daud Mahdzur overseeing his staff
5. SOUNDBTE (Malay) Muhammad Daud Mahdzur, president of the Malaysian Shariah Astronomy Association:
"This viewing or sighting is part of our Islamic duties, that’s the first and most important aspect. It’s a religious duty on the 29th day of the month in the Hijrah (Islamic) calendar – in our case today, the 29th of Shaaban (the Islamic month that precedes Ramadan in the lunar calendar). Why we do this viewing is to determine the next day (whether) to carry on with the 30th day of the month or if it’s the first day of a new month. That’s why this event is important, so this viewing is very important for those reasons. For today, we will determine the timing of the 1st of Ramadan, which is (the) fasting month that’s important for Muslims."
6. Various of horizon
7. SOUNDBTE (Malay) Muhammad Daud Mahdzur, president of the Malaysian Shariah Astronomy Association:
"Okay this sighting session is based on the lunar data that we have. Some months the moon remains long above the horizon before it disappears. So for today, we expect the visible moon to be around 21 minutes. So we have to concentrate during that time, focus with our instruments to view the moon until the moonset. So today, (in a period of) about 21 minutes we will be done with our sighting.”
8. Various of Kuala Lumpur Tun Razak Exchange Tower
9. Kuala Lumpur skyline
Islamic authorities in Malaysia are conducting a moon sighting on Friday evening to determine the beginning of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

Observant Muslims the world over will soon be united in a ritual of daily fasting from dawn to sunset as the Islamic holy month of Ramadan starts.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar; the month cycles through the seasons.

The start of the month traditionally depends on the sighting of the crescent moon.

Astronomers in various positions in Kuala Lumpur were looking at the sky using telescopes and other equipment to see the moon.

The Malaysian Shariah Astronomer Association conducted its moon sighting on top of the Kuala Lumpur Tower.

The moon sighters have a window of 21 minutes to look at the moon and make the determination, said Muhammad Daud Mahdzur, president of the Malaysian Shariah Astronomy Association.

The astronomers will report back to religious authorities ahead of a televised announcement on the start date of Ramadan.

This year, the first day of Ramadan is expected to be on or around March 1.

The actual start date of Ramadan may vary among Muslim communities due to declarations by multiple Islamic authorities around the globe on whether the crescent has been sighted or different methodologies used to determine the start of the month.

For Muslims, Ramadan is a time of increased worship, religious reflection, charity and good deeds.

Socially, it often brings families and friends together in festive gatherings around meals to break their fast.


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