(27 Feb 2025)
LENGTH: 5:35
Karachi, Pakistan – 24 February 2025
1. Various of mosque during call to prayer
2. Various of workers cleaning mosque ahead of Ramadan
3. Various of man checking skull cap
4. Skull caps on display
5. Various of beads on display
6. Various of laborers loading and unloading sacks of sugar and grain at wholesale market
7. SOUNDBITE (Urdu) Zia-ul-Arifeen, senior vice president of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry:
"The wholesale market prices should be checked (by authorities). If something is priced at 100 rupees, can the retailer sell it at that rate? What are the expenses of the retailers? They (the authorities) will have to see this. For example, if you go to buy meat, they never sell at the official price. They say they cannot sell at the official price. The government should determine if the retailer can follow the official price list."
8. Flags of Pakistan and the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry
9. Various of people buying rice and lentils at crowded market
10. Price tag showing rice being sold for 160 Pakistani rupees (around $0.57)
11. Various of market
12. SOUNDBITE (Urdu) Anwar Ahmed, Karachi resident:
"(A few days ago) these spices were sold at 200 rupees ($0.7) per 250 grams, but today they are selling the spices for 240 rupees ($0.85). Ramadan has become a calamity for the poor. The government should do something. It should conduct raids (to check if there is hoarding). The rich don’t come here. They shop at malls. Nobody cares about the poor. They should think about it. The prices of rice, sugar, flour have skyrocketed. Those earning 35,000 rupees (around $125) are in big trouble. How are we going to manage? This is the money we spend on the children’s education too.”
Karachi, Pakistan – 25 February 2025
13. Various of date market, shoppers buying dates
14. SOUNDBITE (Urdu) Ataullah Khan, trader
"Dates come from Iraq and Iran, and our Balochistan and Sindh provinces. They boost the immunity. It is a highly nutritious fruit."
15. Various of people buying fruit from pushcart vendors
16. Various of fruits on display
17. Various of people getting tokens for food bags being distributed by Binoria Welfare Trust
18. Various of women sitting, waiting for free food bags
19. Boxes of food for distribution, containing rice, sugar and other staples
20. SOUNDBITE (Urdu) Mufti Zafar Iqbal, deputy director at Binoria Welfare Trust:
"We are providing a complete package for Ramadan — whatever is needed throughout the month. We are providing these bags to widows, divorced women, orphans, and those who have disabilities. We will reach more than 20,000 families this month."
21. Exterior of Binoria Welfare Trust, people waiting for their turn to get assistance
22. Top shots of Karachi
Pakistani shoppers struggling with rising prices ahead of the fasting month of Ramadan have turned to wholesale markets to do their shopping.
But even at the wholesale markets, some shoppers trying to stock up for the month say they cannot buy much because of the high prices.
"Ramadan has become a calamity for the poor," said Karachi resident Anwar Ahmed.
"The rich don’t come here. They shop at malls. Nobody cares about the poor. They should think about it. The prices of rice, sugar, flour have skyrocketed," he added.
Muslims go on shopping trips before Ramadan begins to try and liven up their meals when they can finally break their fast at sundown.
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