Never-seen-before Picasso works on display in Rome

(27 Feb 2025)



LENGTH: 6:39

Rome, Italy – 26 February 2025

1. Various of the painting “The adolescent” on display at ‘Picasso the Foreigner’ exhibition
2. Various of “At the restaurant”, painting from a private collection which has never been exhibited before
3. Wide of exhibition
4. Close of the painting “Woodland on a mountain”, from a private collection, never exhibited before
5. Various of the painting “The shadow”
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Annie Cohen-Solal, curator and author of the book “Picasso. A Foreigner’s Life”:
“He was a vulnerable foreigner, targeted by the police and rejected by the Académie des Beaux-Arts in France. So that’s something that nobody knew before and which gives us an insight which makes Picasso much more interesting than being a myth. And that is totally contemporary: how a foreigner is being looked at by the police. How do we look at a foreigner? How do we consider a foreigner? You know he was considered as an alien, as a pariah, by the French police. But nevertheless he never complained, he worked.”

7. Various of Picasso’s foreigner ID card and documents
8. Various of the painting “Blind Minotaur led through the night by a little girl with a pigeon”
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Annie Cohen-Solal, curator and author of the book “Picasso. A Foreigner’s Life”:
“He tried to find other people to support him and for example Diaghilev (Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev, Russian art critic, ballet impresario) supported him and he (Picasso) became a theatre designer. For example the surrealists supported him and he became a surrealist painter. So he is pragmatic, he became pragmatic and he learned how to navigate in the voids of society brilliantly, So next to the artist that all we know, the artist that is crashing all others, we find the brilliant political strategist which is a lesson for us today, a lesson of ‘agentivity’.“

10. Various of the painting “Mother and child”
11. Various of the painting “Man with a pipe”
12. Various of the lithograph “Double portrait, Cocteau-Picasso” painting from a private collection which has never been exhibited before
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Annie Cohen-Solal, curator and author of the book “Picasso. A Foreigner’s Life”:
“The French seized 3,000 works off the German dealer and Picasso’s art is… they seized 800 pieces of Picasso’s most beautiful works. So Picasso becomes a collateral victim of xenophobia. In order to get out of this ordeal he goes to Rome with Jean Cocteau and he’s part of the ‘Ballet Russes’ with Diaghilev. So it’s inscribed in the city of Rome, this exhibition. Picasso’s name is on Via Margutta, on marble, and it’s very moving to see how he reinvents himself through becoming a designer for theatre. You will see a beautiful pink horse, a cubist pink horse that he does for ‘Parade’, which is done by Erik Satie, Jean Cocteau and Diaghilev.”

14. Various of “Costume of the pink horse” sculpture
15. Various of “Scarf dove of peace”
16. Various of two terracotta works
17. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Cecil Debray, president, Musée National Picasso-Paris:
“What is extraordinary with Picasso (is) that he was perhaps the best painter of the 20th century but he was also the best sculptor and he played also with ceramics and was a wonderful draughtsman. So in this exhibition you can see all his productions, that means of paintings, of course, but also a lot of drawings, sculptures and ceramics.”

18. Various of the painting “Woman reading”
20. Pan right of paintings and sculptures
22. Various exteriors of Palazzo Cipolla

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