China says the live fire drills close to Australia and NZealand will not affect aviation flight safe

(27 Feb 2025)

Beijing, China – 27 February 2025
1. Various of Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson Wu Qian at a news briefing
2. Various of reporters
3. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Wu Qian, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson:
“The relevant operations carried out by the naval warship formation of PLA on high seas are totally in line with international laws.”
4. Wide of reporters
5. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Wu Qian, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson:
“The operation carried out by the Chinese side will not affect the safety of aviation flights.”
6. Wide of reporters
7 Wide of news briefing
8. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Wu Qian, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson:
“The comments made by the relevant authorities of Taiwan on the routine exercise and training activities of the PLA are purely hype-ups. We require them to stop playing tricks to gain more attention.”
9. Wide of briefing
10. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Wu Qian, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson:
“The U.S. defense spending has topped the world for many years in a row. It is higher than that of the subsequent eight countries combined. The international community is deeply concerned.”
11. Wide of participants
12. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Wu Qian, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson:
“I believe that the U.S. should put into practice ‘America first’ in this regard and be the first to cut its nuclear arsenal and military expenditure.”
13. Mid of reporter asking questions
14. Various of briefing
Chinese Defense Ministry said the recent live fire exercises conduct by its navy in the seas between Australia and New Zealand is in line with international laws.

The two countries blamed China for not giving them notification before the exercises.

The drills by three Chinese naval ships happened in international waters beneath a busy commercial flights path over the Tasman Sea last Friday and Saturday, and at least one involved live fire.

Spokesperson Wu Qian of Chinese Defense Ministry on Thursday said the drills will not endanger the safety of aviation flights.

Taiwan on Thursday condemned the shooting drills by Chinese military off the island’s southwest coast.

Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said it detected 45 aircraft, 14 navy vessels and one ship from the Chinese military operating around Taiwan, of which 34 had crossed into its waters and airspace.

In Beijing, Wu said the comments Taiwan authorities made “are purely hype-ups” and called those are “routine exercise”.

“We require them to stop playing tricks to gain more attention,” Wu said.

China considers Taiwan a renegade province to be taken by force if necessary and in recent years has increased military activity around Taiwan’s waters and airspace.

Wu said U.S. defense spending, the world’s highest, exceeds that of the next eight highest-spending countries combined.

U.S. President Donal Trump said earlier this month he wants to restart nuclear arms control talks with Russia and China and the three countries should halve their defense budgets.

“I believe that the U.S. should put into practice “America first” in this regard and be the first to cut its nuclear arsenal and military expenditure,” he said.


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