Infectious disease expert assesses Pope Francis’ pneumonia treatment likely to take weeks

(25 Feb 2025)

Rome – 25 February 2025
1. Various Gemelli Hospital and pope ward windows
2. Various candles with pope’s smiling face and woman leaving drawing with a heart
3. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Loredana Sarmati, Chief Infectiologist and Full Professor of Infectious Diseases at Tor Vergata University Hospital in Rome:
"Pneumonia is a major serious illness, let’s say even in young people, even if it can sometimes be treated at home. Let’s say, even young people suffer from pneumonia, but an elderly person, so with those comorbidities at the pulmonary level, it is obviously much more difficult. For the complete resolution, I mean radiological, it really takes months, the cure depends a lot on the etiological agent, on the antibiotic therapy and the complications, so what we have to expect? It is unlikely that this situation will be resolved within days for the pope, I think it will take weeks."
4. John Paul II statue at hospital
5. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Loredana Sarmati, Chief Infectiologist and Full Professor of Infectious Diseases at Tor Vergata University Hospital in Rome:
"In the course of about ten days, there has been this event, a little more alarming, during the past weekend, when we saw he worsened from a respiratory point of view and has required more important oxygen supports. Above all, he developed that asthmatic crisis with mild renal failure, alteration of the blood parameters that induced… let’s say that alarmed everyone, and obviously the doctors treating him at that point, they put him under guarded prognosis – that is like saying: we cannot tell what will happen. In these last two days between Monday and today, the bulletins are a little more reassuring, saying somehow that he came out of the crisis, and that support is still present, that the prognosis is still guarded. From a medical point of view, the guarded prognosis is a condition in which, let’s say, doctors don’t feel like saying what will happen in the coming days. They prefer to say, look it’s still serious it seems a little better, but let’s avoid talking about the future, because it’s a difficult to give parameters."
6. John Paul II statue and person praying
7. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Loredana Sarmati, Chief Infectiologist and Full Professor of Infectious Diseases at Tor Vergata University Hospital in Rome:
"Often the patient’s prognosis is guarded for patients in intensive care, like a patient who suffered a road accident trauma. Those in intensive care remain under guarded prognosis for a long time. He is not in intensive care and this is already a good sign. They essentially manage him in his room with important medical support, because, to clarify, those high oxygen flows that were being talked about, those can only be provided in a hospital and can’t be provided in simpler structures. So he needed major medical support, but currently they give some indications saying that the situation has improved like blood parameters, such as stable kidney function. So, he has not worsened further and these are parameters that we, doctors, see and on which we confront with each other and say: well the patient is not getting worse. But they keep the prognosis guarded, because they do not feel they know if the patient will worsen – this is the concept. It is a serious disease, so the scenarios are obviously what we all have in mind: a respiratory crisis, and a worsening again, this is what we hope will not happen, but this is why the prognosis is guarded."
8. Various of Gemelli Hospital

"Pneumonia is a major serious illness," Sarmati said.

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