Best dressed dogs and cats celebrated at Pet Expo in Vietnam

(24 Feb 2025)
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – 22 February 2025
1. Various of dogs in costumes at pet expo
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Nhan Lieu, pet expo organizer ++SOUNDBITE PART OVERLAID BY SHOTS 1 TO 4++
“Young population are the main pet owners in Vietnam for now. And they like to spend money to take care of their pets. For them, the pet is the member of the family. And also for the reason that the young people, they don’t like to get married so they need a companion and the pet is the perfect choice.”

3. Various of dogs in costume
4. Various of cat in costumes
5. Close up dog in phoenix costume
6. Close up dog in phoenix costume walks to judges
6. Close up dog running
7. Wide of dog jumpting, as dogs and owners line up for costume contest
8. Various of prize award being awarded to the winning dog owner

AP video shot by: Hau Dinh


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