USAID cuts mean uncertain future for Kenyan children with HIV

(21 Feb 2025)

ASSOCIATED PRESS – No Restrictions
Nairobi, Kenya – 07 February 2025
1. Various of children queueing up to take ARVs (antiretroviral medicine)
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Sr. Tresa Palakudy, Nyumbani Children’s Home Chief Nurse:
"America will become great again if they continue to support the poor people, those who are in need. Especially the medical care. That is what I think. But stopping (aid) and think America will become great again, no!"
3. Boy receiving tablet and picking cup of water
4. Boy taking medicine and chasing with water as nurse looks on
5. Sr. Tresa looking at graves
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Sr. Tresa Palakudy, Nyumbani Children’s Home Chief Nurse:
"USAID started bringing ARVs free of charge. That was the time we put all our children on ARVs then their life was changed, they became healthy and we continued like that and now we have over one hundred alumni, who are living outside, they have families, they have children. Normal children, not infected and it is a success."
7. Drone shot of children playing at Nyumbani Children’s Home
8. Children playing
9. Sister Tresa Palakudy and her colleagues looking after little children as they play with toys in an enclosure
10. Wide of the Executive Director of Nyumbani Children’s Home, Judith Wamboye
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Judith Wamboye, Nyumbani Children’s Home Executive Director:
"This is a life-saving situation and we cannot sit and wait and bargain on human life. So for us, it’s about human life, the lives that we need to save. So something needs to be done urgently.”
12. Silhouette of children walking out to play
13. Drone shot of children playing
Two-year-old Evans was brought to Nyumbani Children’s Home in Nairobi, Kenya one year ago, suffering from HIV and tuberculosis.

He is an orphan and does not have any relatives to cater to his needs.

The home is the reason why Evans is still alive – but political decisions made thousands of miles away might spell the end of his short life.

Nyumbani provides him and 100 other children with antiretroviral medication, which they have been receiving from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Kenyan government.

US President Donald Trump’s directive to freeze USAID’s funding means that Nyumbani’s access to antiretroviral drugs may end soon.

Trump’s recent executive order seeks to review all American foreign aid policy, and includes a 90-day freeze on all foreign assistance and the closure of USAID headquarters.

Effects of the controversial move are beginning to set in, with thousands losing jobs globally and humanitarian programs around the world being disrupted.

For children at Nyumbani, it is a life-and-death situation.

As he plays about with other preschoolers, Evans is oblivious to his uncertain future.

When Nyumbani, which means home in Swahili, was started by Christian missionaries in 1992, it operated as a rescue center for orphaned and abandoned children living with HIV, offering largely palliative care.

Tiny graves at one end of the orphanage compound are a bleak reminder of what a future without USAID looks like for the children, a scenario Sister Tresa Palakudy – who has been looking after children here for 28 years – is well familiar with.

She says USAID assistance put a halt to constant deaths of children when it began supplying medicine.

AP video and production by Jackson Njehia

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News post in February 26, 2025, 6:04 am.

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