Crow is not the only thing they eat at a wild game dinner in rural Pennsylvania

(21 Feb 2025)

Pine Grove, Pennsylvania – 15 February 2025
1. Various of diners eating wild game dinner
2. A father and a son taking food, UPSOUND (English)
Father, “We are trying everything here”
Son, “No, not me”
Father, “No, you are good. Come on.”
3 SOUNDBITE (English) Larry Primeau, Taste of the Wild Outdoors;
“We have, going down the list, we have a rabbit kielbasa. We have a raccoon andouille sausage. We have a stingray sausage, which is new this year. We have salmon. We have squirrel, which will be a squirrel salsa. Then we have, coyote, which the boys are putting together now. Then we’re going to do probably a marinated coyote. We haven’t figured out exactly what we’re doing with that. It’s stronger flavored meat. From there, beaver chili and I lost track at that point because I think we have 14 species.”
4. Wide of diners at the buffer table
5. Close up of raccoon andouille sausage with cheddar mini pierogies
6. Close up of cooked squirrels
7. Sign reads, “Beaver Chili”
8. Band playing music
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Jim Jasterzenski, diner:
“The lo mein. What was it, the?”
Someone else answers, “bobcat”
“The bobcat lo mein is very tender.”
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Sue Demko, diner:
“I think the rabbit sausage which is really weird because I normally don’t like rabbit but it’s just, I don’t know, it’s just good.”
11.Various of diners eating
12. Primeau talking to children attending the event
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Larry Primeau, Taste of the Wild Outdoors;
“What I try to do is I try to incorporate the education level for people to know, okay, hey, we hunt, we fish, we trap in Pennsylvania and across the country, so, to make ethical use of the resources. So, let’s say you trap raccoons, in previous when I grew up, we would trap the raccoon, they would skin it and the meat went to a rendering plant. Now what we try and do is explain to the guys, hey, you need meat for the family, try eating it.”
14. Various of diners
15. Close up of alligator meat
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Larry Primeau, Taste of the Wild Outdoors;
“Kids need to get away from computers and get back to the outdoors. There’s so many reasons that we don’t go outdoors anymore with, with, children. And in order for them to know why we’re doing it, they have to know what it tastes like, what, what the benefits are. And then, on top of it, you have species management, you have getting involved in the outdoors and it all stone rolls together.”
17. Various of Primeau cooking in the kitchen


The buffet line inside the fire hall in rural Pennsylvania was a familiar sight last weekend as a crowd of about 150 people heaped dinner onto their plates before sitting down to eat, hear a little live music and wait for the raffle.

Aside from a couple of vegetable dishes that were largely ignored, the food being served at the Taste of the Wild Outdoors dinner inside the Pine Grove Hose, Hook and Ladder Fire Company was anything but standard fare.

The menu of 14 species that included sting ray casserole, bear stew, raccoon andouille and rabbit kielbasa was the centerpiece of a 12-year-old event organized by Larry Primeau, the volunteer rescue captain and a man with the cooking chops and network of sportsmen friends needed to pull it off.

Jim Jasterzenski braved the slushy weather and traveled about 74 miles (119 kilometers) from his home in Kingston.

“Everything was good,” said Jasterzenki, whose a companion at one point plucked a tiny shotgun pellet out of a serving of squirrel. “You can’t get it anywhere else.”

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News post in February 26, 2025, 6:04 am.

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