Toronto plane crash survivor honored at paramedic conference

(19 Feb 2025)

Toronto – 19 February 2025
1. Plane crash survivor Peter Carlson receiving special award at paramedic conference UPSOUND (English):
“It says awarded to Pete Carlson, for your courageous and meritorious actions as the first first responder on Delta Airlines Flight 4819, whose paramedic education and skills preserved life, reduced injury and provided calm to your fellow passengers. You’re an inspiration for all of us.”
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Peter Carlson, Delta crash survivor: ++PARTIALLY COVERED++
“I was able to kind of see the objective nature, I guess, of the challenge in front of us, which, again, was to get away from threat and threat at that point was the smell of jet fuel and the seeing jet fuel come down the window and just being trapped in a aircraft with a whole bunch of strangers that really came together, banded together, worked together, and ultimately listened to a flight crew that I think did a phenomenal job of shepherding everybody out of a really tough spot. So I did not allow my kind of armor or resolve or, attention to, to go down until many hours later.”
3. Carlson shaking hands on stage
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Peter Carlson, Delta crash survivor: ++PARTIALLY COVERED++
“It’s only become more intense. And seeing some of the video footage of this captured, I stumbled on via coming down to my lobby at the hotel yesterday. The point of view appeared to be like, I don’t know. I got to see the crash. But even without seeing that, it’s remarkable. It’s just absolutely amazing. I mean, I’ve got a laceration and abrasions, some bruises on my legs, bruises on my ribs, and that’s, you know, but alive and everyone’s alive, and it’s just, yeah. I don’t know if I. I don’t know if I’m deserving of going into miracle territory, but it sure feels, it’s amazing. It’s amazing.”
5. Carlson showing off Canada sweater on stage
For Peter Carlson, helping others was second nature–even when suspended upside down and surrounded by leaking jet fuel.

Carlson, a paramedic, was on his way to a conference in Toronto on Monday when his Delta Air Lines flight flipped over while landing.

“I was comfortable with how my body and mind empowered me to do what I needed to do at that point,” Carlson told the Associated Press.

On Wednesday, Ontario Association of Paramedic Chiefs awarded him with a special recognition as the first, first responder at the scene.

All 80 people aboard the Mitsubishi CRJ-900 survived, which Carlson credits to the professionalism of the flight crew and cooperation of his fellow passengers.

Carlson’s physical injuries include a laceration on his head and bruises in his legs and ribs, but the phycological weight of the ordeal is still sinking in. He recalled having difficulty leaving his hotel room and watching videos of the fiery crash splashed across TVs in the lobby.

Still, Carlson looks back at Monday’s events in awe.

“I don’t know if I’m deserving of going into miracle territory, but it sure feels, it’s amazing,” he said.


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News post in February 25, 2025, 12:05 am.

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