How the threat of US tariffs is affecting olive farmers and producers

(16 Feb 2025)



LENGTH: 4.48

Campillos, Málaga, Spain – 10 February 2025

1. Workers in olive grove pruning trees
2. Tractors in olive groves
3. Various of Benito Aviles driving his car to his olive farm and getting out of the car
4. Various of Aviles checking on olive groves and talking to his workers
5. Chainsaw cutting olive tree branch
6. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Benito Aviles, olive farmer:
“Tariffs have already done a lot of damage to the sector. At the moment we do not yet know if tariffs will be imposed or not, I hope that the administrations do their job well and do not penalise Spanish olive oil again as happened in those years, however, other olive oils produced in the European Economic Community were not penalised and did not have this type of tariffs.”

7. Wide external view of the ‘San Benito’ of Campillos, oil mill
8. Antonio Guerrero walks to the mill and opens the door of the oil cellar
9. Guerroro talking to worker in the oil mill
10. Various of machine pressing olive oil
11. Various of Guerroro walking past storage tanks
12. Guerroro pouring out olive oil to taste
13. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Antonio Guerrero Morillo, Manager, Cooperativa San Benito de Campillos
“This year Spain is going to have 1 million 300,000 tonnes, and the world is going to have 3 million. We can talk, we are 40% worldwide this year, it always fluctuates, there are years when it rains in Spain and it doesn’t rain in Europe, today it rains in Europe and not in Spain. But this year, 1 million 300,000 tonnes could be the amount and as far as quality is concerned, I would go as far as to say that we are at the forefront of quality because we have been insisting on quality in the sector for years now."

Antequera, Málaga, Spain -10 February 2025

14. Various of olive oil bottling plant in Antequera
15. Wide external view of Manuel Pérez walking into the Dcoop bottling plant
16. Various of Pérez walking through building and talking to colleague
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Manuel Pérez, Corporate Commercial Director Dcoop
“For us the American market is one of the largest markets in the world for us it is very important and we focus there most of our activities for both, for table olives and for olive oil."

18. Cutaway of Pérez talking to colleague
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Manuel Pérez, Corporate Commercial Director Dcoop
“Actually, we are still suffering the tariffs for the table olives where we had to reduce our export for black olives into the market, and for olive oil we have tariffs as well for some quantities for the 25% in olive oil that we had to suffer for export, now they are in suspense (suspended), but we don’t know if they’re going to come back and in what quantity.”

20. Various of glass olive oil bottles on conveyor belt in bottling plant
21. Various of man looking at a stand filled with Pompeian brand olive oil bottles
22. Close of Pompeian olive oil bottles

Despite years of drought Spanish olive oil producers were preparing to celebrate a top quality harvest, but now President Trump’s threat of tariffs has them worrying about being hit by US import taxes.

Spain is one of the largest producers in the world and the EU says two thirds of its olive oil exports are Spanish.


In Campillos, Málaga staff on Benito Aviles’ olive farm are busy pruning.

Aviles is expecting this season the be among the best ever.

The EU has good cause for concern over potential tariffs on olive oil.

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News post in February 21, 2025, 3:05 am.

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