A new culture of remembrance for fallen soldiers is emerging in Ukraine

(16 Feb 2025)



LENGTH: 5:57

Lviv, Ukraine – 22 January 2025

1. Mid of trumpeter walking toward Lviv centre to play a remembrance piece for fallen soldiers
2. Mid of police car leading funeral procession
3. Wide of trumpeter
4. Police car passes to show people, some kneeling, watching procession
5. Various of trumpeter playing
6. Various of people on their knees paying respect to fallen soldier
7. Wide of trumpeter playing
8. Various of people on knees
9. Wide of trumpeter playing
10. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Yaroslav Simkiv, Lviv city trumpeter:
"Every day there is a funeral procession here, and people are stopping near the town hall and I play the melody ‘Il Silenzio’. This is an Italian melody by Nini Rosso, its name means ‘silence’.”

11. Wide of soldiers
12. Mid of priests
13. Various of candles shot inside church
14. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Andriy Sadovyi, Mayor of Lviv:
“In my schedule for each day, there is a clearly reserved time for bidding farewell to the heroes and expressing condolences to their families. Well, it’s my duty, because these are the citizens of our city. We are losing the most precious thing — we are losing the people.”

Lviv, Ukraine – 21 January 2025

15. Various of military salute
16. Various of funeral procession at the military cemetery
17. Wide military cemetery

Lviv, Ukraine – 28 January 2025

18. Various of information stand with photos of fallen soldier in Lviv
19. Close picture and information about fallen soldier Roman Cheslavskyy
20. Close heart shaped balloon at the stand
21. Wide of Lviv street announcement of the minute of silence UPSOUND (Ukrainian) "National minute of silence in Lviv, observe the minute of silence."

22. Close of people observing minute of silence UPSOUND (Ukrainian) "For those who have fallen during the Russian aggression against Ukraine."
23. Various of people observing minute of silence
24. Wide street UPSOUND (Ukrainian) "Glory to Ukraine, Glory to heroes"
25. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Nicolas Amber, French teacher:
"When I hear (minute of silence announcement ) of course, I pray. This is the only thing, well, not the only thing, but this is at least what I can do. Because we must honour the memory of those heroes who gave their lives so that you and we could be free."

26. Wide of traffic stopped to observe minute of silence
27. Mid of people holding Ukrainian flags observing minute of silence
28. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Kateryna Datsenko, co-founder of the public organization "Vshanuy" (Honour):
"In Ukraine this policy of remembrance and culture of remembrance as such had not been created. We only have the Soviet experience. And she (fallen military paramedic Iryna Tsybukh) really wanted to change this and a moment of silence is the first step towards a common memory system.”

29. Mid traffic stopped to observe minute of silence
30. Close banner saying *Ukrainian) "Honour the deceased"

ARCHIVE: Lviv, Ukraine – 3 June 2024

31. Mid funeral procession for paramedic Iryna Tsybukh
32. Close photo of of Iryna Tsybukh
33. Mid people singing
34. Wide of bonfire
35. Close of bonfire and flags

Lviv, Ukraine – 22 January 2025

36. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Oksana Tsybukh, mother of deceased military paramedic Iryna Tsybukh:

37. Wide people standing around Iryna Tsybukh’s grave and singing
38. Various of people singing
39. Wide of people singing at the cemetery


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News post in February 21, 2025, 3:05 am.

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