Hundreds of couples tie the knot in Mexico City mass wedding on Valentine’s Day

(15 Feb 2025)

Mexico City – 14 February 2025
1. Couple kissing
2. Couple hugging
3. Ricardo Flores (screen left), 44, and Christian Rivera, 38, posing for photo with marriage certificate
4. Close of marriage certificate
5. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Ricardo Flores and Christian Rivera, newlyweds:
Flores: "This is something very different… from what people usually plan (for their wedding). It’s something out of the traditional. It’s cool because you see the willingness of a lot of people who want to take the big step."
Rivera: "And things work out better when you don’t plan them."
6. Marriage certificate
7. Couple posing and holding hands
8. Couple holding certificate and posing
Hundreds of Mexican couples exchanged wedding vows Friday at a mass wedding in Mexico City on Valentine’s Day.

Under the slogan "Love Is Love," the Mexico City government organized the massive collective wedding at a cultural center with the goal of regularizing the civil status of couples for free.

Five hundred couples attended the celebration, according to the city government.

In front of the newlyweds, Mexico City Mayor Clara Brugada was the one in charge of cutting the wedding cake.

The love birds enjoyed free food and danced to the beat of local performers.

All the married couples also got a free copy of their marriage certificate.

In Mexico, Valentine’s Day is known as the Day of Love and Friendship.

AP Video by Martín Silva Rey


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News post in February 20, 2025, 3:05 am.

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