Thompson on ‘SNL’ success: ‘We work with brilliant people’

(14 Feb 2025)
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New York 29 October 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Kenan Thompson, actor/comedian – on how show stays relevant:
"I mean, we work with brilliant people. You know, I think we all have a pretty, like, solid sensibility, where we kind of know where the offense is and we work really hard, like trying not to tread in places that are uncomfortable or whatever without warrant. But at the same time, you can’t please everybody and we’re still trying to like, like lighten the mood, if you will. So, you know, we’re doing that as long as we’re not like overly stepping – like if you step on a toe, you say, ‘I’m sorry. Excuse me. ‘Then that should be okay. Yeah. I mean, we should be able to just move on and continue to explore or continue conversations that may or may not be uncomfortable. That’s kind of our job."


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News post in February 19, 2025, 12:04 pm.

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