Sacks of supplies taken as aid trucks pass through Rafah

(12 Feb 2025)

Rafah, Gaza Strip – 12 February 2025
1. Various of people running towards moving trucks, climbing on and taking boxes with supplies
Associated Press video shows people in Gaza running towards moving aid trucks and taking sacks of supplies.

Since the ceasefire last month between Hamas and Israel, aid has been entering Gaza.

But "conditions are still terrible, and people are still hungry,” according to the United Nations humanitarian chief Tom Fletcher.

As part of the agreement, Israel said it would allow 600 aid trucks into Gaza each day, a major increase after months of aid officials expressing frustration about delays and insecurity hampering both the entry and distribution of food, medicines and other badly needed items.

The U.N. humanitarian office has said more than 12,600 aid trucks have entered Gaza since the ceasefire took effect.

Famine has been mostly averted, Fletcher told the Associated Press on Sunday.

But he warned the threat could return quickly if the truce collapses.

Fletcher spoke as concerns grow over whether the ceasefire can be extended and talks are meant to begin on its more difficult second phase.

The six-week first phase is halfway through.

He said more food and medical supplies are crucially needed for the territory of more than two million people, most of them displaced, and he expressed concerns about disease outbreaks due to the lack of basic health supplies.


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News post in February 17, 2025, 6:04 pm.

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