Westminster dog names are long, complex, and packed with meaning

(11 Feb 2025)

New York – 11 February 2025
1. Medium of Charlie Dude, the golden retriever
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Sandy Nordstrom, handling Begold Scion Right Addi-Dude, the golden retriever:
"And this is Charlie Dude. His registered name is Begold Scion Right Addi-Dude. Begold is my kennel name. And Scion is my friend’s kennel name, so we co-brand him. His mom was Addi. And so each dog in the litter has Addi in their name. So he is Addi Dude, because my husband wanted to call him dude. So in the end, he is Charlie Dude as a call name. And Charlie Dude abides."
3. Wide of Charlie Dude
4. Wide of dogs walking through kenneling area
5. Medium of dog snuggling with handlers
6. Wide of spectators walking over Westminster floor logo
7. Wide of Rumor, the Glen of Imaal Terrier with breeder Emily Bennett. UPSOUND (English) Emily Bennett: "Her name is Bennettsbridge Talk of the Town by Abberann and her call name is Rumor."
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Emily Bennett, breeder:
"So the registered names, they go into the AKC database. And like I said, a lot of breeders will utilize themes for the register names. So, some breeders will do every litter, their first litter will every register name starts with an A, the second, it’s B, the third is C and so forth. Other people will do a theme maybe when they’re born around that time. I have a friend that did a whole Thanksgiving theme."
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Emily Bennett, breeder:
"Litter theme generally allows breeders to track kind of where the dogs came from easily on paper."
10. Tight of Rumor UPSOUND (English) Emily Bennett, breeder: "Now just have fun with it and you’ll get to see if you get a catalog, you can read through them and some of them are quite funny."
11. Medium of spectators watching judging
12. Wide of group judging
13. Wide low of dogs running in the judging ring
14. Tight of Busa, the Saint Bernard shaking off
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Jeff Creasey, breeder with Notorious Tru Blue Busa, a Saint Bernard:
"And this is Notorious Tru Blue Busa."
16. Wide of Creasey with Busa
17. Medium of spectators pass a show dog
18. Wide of Westminster entrance signage
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Amanda Green, with Chanoz Crafty Rascal, a Great Dane:
"So his registered name is Chanoz Crafty Rascal. And his name is Dodger."
20. Wide of Green with Dodger
21. Tight of Dodger
22. Medium follow of a dog with wagging tail
23. Wide of kenneling area
24. SOUNDBITE (English) Sharon Jones, handling Fly’n High with Little Louie, a Norwich Terrier:
"His name is Fly’n High with Little Louie and his call name is Louie."
25. Tight of Louie UPSOUND (English) Sharon Jones: "You like to incorporate the call name in with the registered name if you can."
26. Wide of Louie
27. SOUNDBITE (English) Jennifer Ruff, with Bark Bark N Sarge’s Heartbreak Ridge, a Samoyed:
"Bark Bark N Sarge’s Heartbreak Ridge. Highway."
28. Wide of Highway
29. SOUNDBITE (English) Eileen Gacke, handling Cedarwood’s Be Still My Heart, a Husky:
"Her name is Grand Champion Silver Cedarwood’s Be Still My Heart and we call him Willie."
30. Extreme close up of Willie
31. Tight of Willie
32. Wide of dogs posing in front of Westminster signage
The dogs at the Westminster Kennel Club show had long, elaborate names that held hidden meanings.

Their names included capital letters showing their achievements and words linking them to their breeding programs.

Some names followed themes or patterns chosen by breeders, helping to track different litters.

AP Video shot by John Minchillo

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News post in February 16, 2025, 9:04 pm.

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