America’s kids are still behind in reading and math. Some schools are defying the trend

(11 Feb 2025)


Compton, California – 6 February 2025
1. Wide of classroom
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Darin Brawley, Compton Unified School District Superintendent
“I believe schools are struggling to catch up related to the pandemic because of the lasting impact learning loss has had on students throughout the nation.”
3. Students working on worksheets
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Darin Brawley, Compton Unified School District Superintendent
“We brought our students back a lot sooner and our instructional day was a lot longer."
5. Teacher using dry erase board to instruct students
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Darin Brawley, Compton Unified School District Superintendent
“Our rebound was a lot swifter, a lot faster.”
7. Instructor writing on worksheet and explaining concept
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Darin Brawley, Compton Unified School District Superintendent
“So when you look at the curriculum that you’ve adopted, how are you going to develop the instruction that students need? And what are the assessments going to look like? So how do you align all three of those things? And we’ve done a pretty good job in Compton of alignment of curriculum, instruction and assessments.”
9. Teacher using touchscreen to teach class skills
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Darin Brawley, Compton Unified School District Superintendent
“So the diagnostic provides the baseline data in ELA and math. And then based upon that baseline data, we’re able to develop the intervention that the students will need.”
11. Teacher writes on board for class
12. Teacher speaking to class
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Heidy Contreras, Clinton Elementary School Student
“With the help of our teachers, and the support from other students, it helps make you feel comfortable, and just makes it easier.”
14. Instructor showing students concepts while at their desks
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Darin Brawley, Compton Unified School District Superintendent
“And then comes the actual interventions."
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Jessey Plaza, Clinton Elementary School
“Before I went to tutoring, I didn’t really understand, like, the work that we were getting. But once I started going to the math tutoring, they actually helped me understand more of what I was able to do during the problems that I was getting.”
17. Close of math worksheet
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Heidy Contreras, Clinton Elementary School Student
“The student’s confident in knowing that they have help from the teachers, principals and anyone that goes around that they are supported from everywhere.”
19. Students writing on math worksheet
20. SOUNDBITE (English) Darin Brawley, Compton Unified School District Superintendent
“The gains that we made last year and this year were the highest in the state for similarly situated school districts.”
21. Instructor gestures at miniature white board
22. SOUNDBITE (English) Darin Brawley, Compton Unified School District Superintendent
“I mean we eat, live, and whatever else you want to say about data within Compton. It’s a very essential part of what we do.”
23. Students working together on worksheets
24. Students explain concept back to their teacher
25. Various instructors using miniature dry erase boards


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News post in February 16, 2025, 6:00 am.

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