Aimee Lou Wood says ‘White Lotus’ character showcases creator Mike White’s optimism

(11 Feb 2025)
Los Angeles – 10 February 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Aimee Lou Wood, actor:
"Exactly. I feel like Mike (White), you know, he put so much of himself into the characters. Like, you feel so intimate with him because it’s so personal in terms of, like, he writes it, he directs it. It’s his world that he’s created. And I think people think that might think that he’s quite cynical because the show’s so acerbic and so sharp. That’s what we love about it. He’s actually a massive optimist and he’s really hopeful. And so I feel like Chelsea is an expression of that part of him. So it felt like an honor to play like that energetic, boundless energy, optimism, hope that Mike has so much of that maybe you don’t see so much of in previous seasons because he’s so good at nailing people and showing all their worst bits. So it felt nice that this season I feel like you see a lot more of his optimism."



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News post in February 16, 2025, 12:05 pm.

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