Monsters and ghosts haunt a Turkish village as revelers mark a spooky local holiday

(10 Feb 2025)



LENGTH: 5:10

Camlica village, Turkey – 8 February 2025
1. Tracking shot of reveler Murat Akgul dressed as the ‘Bocuk’ monster from local lore who terrorizes the village with sickness and despair if not fed pumpkins, Akgul starting the ‘Bocuk’ march and knocking on windows while demanding pumpkin from local villagers, Akgul booing at the camera and saying, UPSOUND (Turksih): "Bocuk! Bocuk! Here we come! The long awaited night, the Bocuk is coming"
2. Akgul marching up the village with group of people dressed as ghosts and ghouls, Akgul booing and saying, UPSOUND (Turkish): "Bocuk! Bocuk is coming, Bocuk!"
3. Akgul speaking, UPSOUND (Turkish): "A lot of doors will be knocked, and Bocuk will be restored tonight. Bocuk!"
4. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Murat Akgul, local wearing white robes and face paint, dressed as the Bocuk monster:
"We said one day a year, and that was today. We came to Camlica (village) for ‘Bocuk’. That is what sets Camlica apart, there is a horror night in Camlica. We will visit the houses, those who do not make pumpkins in their houses: Don’t you dare. I say, don’t. Because I will eat you whole. This is the meaning of Bocuk."

5. Akgul and others by a window, someone from the group climbs the metal bars outside the window
6. Akgul knocking on the window with toy trident and saying, UPSOUND (Turkish) "Bocuk is here! Bocuk! Where is the pumpkin? There isn’t any?! Shame on you!"
7. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Ayse Karapaca, local from Camlica village:
"Bocuk is a belief of old (days in this region) that was done as a tradition and custom in the middle of winter. And the pumpkins (are cooked) to keep evil away, it is that kind of belief."

8. Akgul speaking to fellow ghosts and ghouls UPSOUND (Turkish): "Come here, tonight in Camlica village, no one is left! Who are we going to eat? We couldn’t eat a pumpkin!"
9. Akgul approaching a couple walking towards the village to attend the festival, UPSOUND (Turkish):
Akgul: "What do you have in your hands?"
Man: "Sunflower seeds"
Akgul: "Sunflower seeds? It was supposed to be a pumpkin! As befits the Bocuk night, Bocuk," Akgul poking man with toy trident and saying, "Okay, we are setting you free, continue!"
10. Akgul by a window UPSOUND (Turkish): "At last, we found a window with the lights on inside. Let’s see who will come out of this house, Bocuk," Akgul knocking the window with the toy trident, before resident of the house opens the window and hands a plate to Akgul who says, UPSOUND (Turkish): "At last, Bocuk! Bocuk night! Eat up, friends!"
11. Various of people getting their face painted
12. Various of Camlica village square and Bocuk festival attendees
13. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Egemen Ozgen, festival attendee:
"We wait for it every year with impatience. And this year too, even though it was delayed and it is cold, we chose to come despite everything."

14. Festival-goers taking a picture with another reveler wearing a white mask
15. Akgul mock stabbing someone with toy trident and exclaiming, UPSOUND (Turkish) "Bocuk is coming!"
16. Akgul posing for photos
17. Various of people drinking by a fire standing next to a village local wearing face paint
18. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Tahir Demirel, ‘Bocuk Night’ project coordinator:

19. Various of festival-goer in costume posing for photos
20. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Tahir Demirel, ‘Bocuk Night’ project coordinator:

21. Musicians playing drums and traditional flutes
22. Akgul appearing behind drummer and mock stabbing him with toy trident

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News post in February 15, 2025, 6:05 pm.

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