Mayor says island being rattled by ‘seismic swarm’ that could continue for weeks

(4 Feb 2025)

Santorini, Greece – 04 February 2025
1. Mid of stormy weather approaching Santorini
2. Mid of ferry approaching
3. Various of Santorini
4. Mid of Santorini’s mayor Nikos Zorzos walking to his desk backdropped by a civil protection map of the island
5. Medium of mayor checking documents on his desk
6. SOUNDBITE (Greek) Nikos Zorzos, Santorini mayor:
"How much will this affect? (Pause) There is an earthquake now. Now that we’re talking about it, there’s an earthquake.”
7. Wide of mayor
8. SOUNDBITE (Greek) Nikos Zorzos, Santorini mayor:
"(Regarding the seismic activity), experts describe this as a seismic swarm. That means a series of tremors of similar magnitude occurring in clusters, this phenomenon may play out, if I have understood correctly, with small quakes or a single, stronger one, followed by gradual subsiding"
9. Medium of a civil protection map of the island of Santorini
10. SOUNDBITE (Greek) Nikos Zorzos, Santorini mayor:
“We, as I told you, have done this planning, which means we have the places of refuge, the registration of the people with special needs who should perhaps be transferred quickly to other places, in each community. And they are updated at regular intervals.”
11. Wide of mayor
12. SOUNDBITE (Greek) Nikos Zorzos, Santorini mayor:
“How much this will affect (the tourist season approaching) I cannot know exactly, but I think it will not affect a lot, because this phenomenon even if it lasts, I think it will now have another frequency. Earthquakes will happen on a different frequency and earthquakes will have a different intensity. So I think it won’t affect (the tourist season) if it does, it will greatly affect the arrival of visitors to Santorini. After all, Santorini is known for having two volcanoes and I would say its creation, its very creation three and a half thousand years ago is the result of geophysical forces. I often say jokingly, or meaning it, that it is the creation of a small Big Bang.”
13. Various of tourists, taking photographs, enjoying the view
14. Various of ferry leaving the island of Santorini

The hundreds of earthquakes that have hit Greek islands on the Aegean Sea are a “seismic swarm" and could continue for weeks before eventually diminishing, the Santorini mayor told The Associated Press on Tuesday, even as tremors rattled his desk.

“This phenomenon may play out with small quakes or a single, slightly stronger one, followed by gradual subsidence," said Mayor Nikos Zorzos, adding he was cautiously optimistic after speaking to seismologists who described the swarm as a series of tremors of similar magnitude occurring in clusters.

Thousands of residents and seasonal workers have left the Cycladic Islands as quakes up to magnitude 5 have been recorded in the volcanic region since Friday. Ferry and commercial flight operators have added services to accommodate departures. More Greek islands closed schools Tuesday.

A handful of hardy tourists enjoyed having Santorini’s stunning views to themselves.

Santorini earlier canceled public events, restricted travel to the island and banned construction work in certain areas.

The quakes have caused cracks in some older buildings, but no injuries have been reported.

AP video by Lefteris Pitarakis


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News post in February 9, 2025, 9:05 pm.

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