Uganda begins Ebola vaccine trial after outbreak kills a nurse and infects 2 others

(3 Feb 2025)

Kampala, Uganda – 03 February 2025
1. Various of Ministry of Health and WHO officials at launch of Ebola trial vaccine
2. Health officials interacting with volunteer before administering the Ebola trial vaccine
3. Various of health official preparing to administer the Ebola trial Vaccine
4. Close of vaccine being administered
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Professor Bruce Kirenga, Ebola trial vaccine principal investigator:
"We have kicked off the vaccination for Ebola that broke out in the country last week. This exercise is involving one vaccine which we have started with, and we are targeting people who are high risk. Those are people who have gotten in contact with the cases that we have confirmed in the country.”
6. Medical officer seated with vaccine box
7. Close of vaccine label
8. Various of Ebola vaccine box at launch
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Professor Bruce Kirenga, Ebola trial vaccine principal investigator:
"The type of Ebola we have here today, Ebola Sudan, up to now does not have a vaccine which is licensed, which can be used during an outbreak situation. We have a vaccine actually in the country, the J&J vaccine which has Ebola Zaire and a bit of Sudan but its construct is not suitable for an outbreak response. It is suitable for a preventative response.”
10. Various of WHO and Ugandan Ministry of Health officials during vaccine launch
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Dr. Kasonde Mwing, WHO Ugandan Representative:
"The World Health Organization is embedded in different aspects of fighting this outbreak and we have been with the Ministry of Health that has been in the lead, in whom we have great confidence that they are able to have a robust response to this outbreak. It being the 8th (outbreak), there is a lot of confidence in what can be done but we also call upon partners that we need the support to the government of Uganda for the work that is being done here, thank you.”
12. Wide of officials clapping as woman receives Ebola trial vaccine

Ugandan authorities on Monday began a clinical trial of a vaccine against the Sudan strain of Ebola that has killed one person in the outbreak declared last week.

This is the first trial to assess the efficacy of a vaccine against the Sudan strain, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Health workers and others exposed to the Ebola strain are being targeted in the study, which began four days after Uganda announced the death of a nurse in the capital, Kampala.

Two more cases were confirmed on Monday in relatives of the first victim.

Officials are investigating the source of the outbreak.

The nurse who died had sought treatment at a hospital just outside the capital and later traveled to Mbale in the country’s east, where he was admitted to a public hospital.

Health authorities said he also sought the services of a traditional healer.

At least 234 contacts in this outbreak have been identified, according to the Ministry of Health.

Health authorities have access to more than 2,000 doses of a candidate vaccine against the Sudan strain.

The maker of the vaccine has not yet been made public.

This is the first Ebola outbreak since the Trump administration’s decision last week to withdraw from the U.N. health agency, and since Trump’s order for a freeze on foreign assistance.

Uganda has had multiple Ebola outbreaks, including one in 2000 that killed hundreds. Tracing contacts is key to stemming the spread of Ebola, which manifests as a viral hemorrhagic fever.

AP video by Patrick Onen

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News post in February 8, 2025, 9:04 pm.

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