Mexican Senate decides first candidates for the judges elections with a lottery

(30 Jan 2025)

Mexico City, Mexico – 30 January 2025
1. Various of notary checking lottery dials
2. Various of first spheres being drawn at the Senate
3. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Julieta Ramirez, Morena party Senator:
"Since there were no interviews and no filtering process, all these people will go directly to the ballot box, to the raffle, and those who will go directly to the ballot will be selected, so that on June 1st we can have elections and each of the committees will finally have their candidates so that the people of Mexico can vote for judges, magistrates and ministers."
4. A list with names of judges
5. Various of numbers and names being drawn
6. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Gerardo Fernández Noroña, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Senate:
"I already said it, there is no human power that can stop the election, I will say that there is no legal recourse that can stop the election at this point. They (the opposition) could not, have not, and will not be able to. On Sunday, June 1, 2025, the people of Mexico will generate a milestone in history by being the first people of humanity to elect by universal, secret and direct vote their judges. That’s the size of what we’re doing."
7. Noroña during the raffle
8. Various of numbers and names being drawn
9. Various of Senators during raffle
On Thursday, the Mexican Senate began electing the candidates for the positions of judges, ministers and magistrates of the Judiciary with a lottery.

For the participants, the prize was to be on the ballots for the upcoming election of hundreds of judges – including members of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation – that will take place on June 1.

White spheres with numbers each representing an aspirant judge were introduced inside ballot boxes, only for some to be subsequently picked.

This lottery, which will yield nearly 70 names out of more than 1,200, is part of the new process of electing judges in Mexico.

"On Sunday, June 1, 2025, the people of Mexico will generate a milestone in history by being the first people of humanity to elect by universal, secret and direct vote their judges," said Gerardo Fernández Noroña, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Senate.

In September, a controversial judiciary reform enacted by former President Andrés Manuel López Obrador was approved. The reform, which includes the election by popular vote of judges, continues to be harshly criticized, both in the streets and in the courts.

Many critics inside and outside the country consider that it will politicize justice and that this could jeopardize a basic pillar of the rule of law.

However, the official majorities in both parliamentary chambers are managing to push it through despite the opposition’s rejection and judicial resolutions calling for its halt.

Civil organizations lashed out against the raffle, calling for respect for the law, compliance with judicial resolutions and "total transparency" in the process of electing judges.

According to the reform, aspiring judges had to register through an Internet link. Three evaluation committees then had to review that they complied with the requested requirements and then start interviews to propose the best candidates for each position.

However, the committee of the Judiciary did not start the interview process because there was a resolution of a judge that prevented it. The electoral court then took up the matter and asked the Senate to draw lots directly among a thousand candidates.


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