Funding whiplash leaves seniors who depend federal food assistance reeling

(29 Jan 2025)

Bloomington, Minnesota – 29 January 2025
1. Barbara Teed receives Meals On Wheels delivery at her home
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Barbara Teed, Meals On Wheels client: ++PARTIALLY COVERED++
“Panic. Absolute panic. Stress. This is sometimes my only meal of the day. So it’s really, really important to me.”
3. Barbara Teed unpacking meals in kitchen
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Barbara Teed, Meals On Wheels client: ++COVERED++
“My son died and then I have a son with Down syndrome. So sometimes they’re the people that, show up and ask how I’m doing. And check in on me.”
5. Self portrait of Teed’s 30-year-old son Ryan, who has Down syndrome
6. Barbara Teed unpacking meals in kitchen
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Barbara Teed, Meals On Wheels client:
“I am shaking. Look at. I’m shaking over losing the Meals On Wheels.”
8. Barbara Teed clutching her hands UPSOUND (English) Wendy Vossen, Bloomington-Eden Prairie Meals on Wheels Executive Director:
“I know Metro is backing us through the end of February. And through the month of February, there’s no worry. And we’re going to figure something out.”
9. Wendy Vossen holding Barbara Teed’s hand UPSOUND (English) Wendy Vossen, Bloomington-Eden Prairie Meals on Wheels Executive Director:
“We’re here. And as we learn info, we will share that with you. We’re gonna be very transparent.”
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Barbara Teed, Meals On Wheels client: ++COVERED++
“I don’t think people realize it how stressful it is just to have food taken away from you. That you depend on.”
11. Barbara Teed holding hands with Meals On Wheels delivery drivers
President Donald Trump’s budget office on Wednesday rescinded a memo freezing spending on federal loans and grants, less than two days after it sparked widespread confusion and legal challenges across the country.

The memo, which was issued Monday by the Office of Management and Budget, sent shockwaves through states, schools and organizations that rely on trillions of dollars from Washington.

It also left thousands of seniors who rely on federal assistance for programs like Meals on Wheels in reeling.

“Panic. Absolute panic,” said 73-year-old Barbara Teed of Bloomington, Minn. of when she learned freeze would affect her. Teed lives with her 30-year-old son Ryan who has Dwon syndrome. Both receive meals from Bloomington-Eden Prairie Meals On Wheels.

“This is sometimes my only meal of the day. So it’s really, really important to me,” said Teed.

Bloomington-Eden Prairie Meals On Wheels Executive Director Wendy Vossen said her program served about 45,000 meals last year to clients in the Minneapolis suburbs–almost 75% of whom receive food assistance.

Administration officials insisted that despite the confusion, their actions still had the intended effect by underscoring to federal agencies their obligations to abide by Trump’s executive orders.

But Teed was still shaken from news.

“I don’t think people realize it how stressful it is just to have food taken away from you. That you depend on,” she said.


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News post in February 4, 2025, 12:04 am.

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