(29 Jan 2025)
Washington – 29 January 2025
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. Mark Warner, (D) Virginia:
“I saw an e-mail that you put out Monday night or you campaign did. In a funding– fundraising email. Your presidential campaign celebrated that the freeze on all new regulations, guidance and announcements is a way to protect unelected bureaucrats from further undermining our health freedom. Then you ask your donors to help pay for your campaign debt. Did your campaign and you put out that?”
RFK JR.: “I don’t think my campaign exists anymore."
WARNER: “Well, listen, I got to tell you this, somebody is out there soliciting money for it. Maybe you ought to find out who is.”
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. Mark Warner, (D) Virginia:
“But if you are in this position, will you pledge that you will not fire federal employees who work on food safety, work on trying to prevent things like salmonella?”
RFK JR.: “I said, senator, there are 91,000 employees– (crosstalk)”
WARNER: “Will you, we actually, we talked about protecting Americans from cyber criminals, something we’re need to do a lot more on. Will you commit not to fire anyone in the health care arena who currently works on protecting Americans from cyber attacks in their health care files?
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert Kennedy Jr, HHS Nominee:
“I will– I will commit not firing anybody who is doing their job.”
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. Mark Warner, (D) Virginia:
“Based on your opinion, based upon your opinion or your political agenda, or Mr. Trump’s political agenda?”
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert Kennedy Jr, HHS Nominee:
“Based upon my opinion.”
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. James Lankford, (R)Oklahoma:
“My simple question to you is how are you going to handle Title 10 on that? I saw how President Biden handled that in the punitive measures that came on my state. For those that are in rural health care, how are you going to handle that?”
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert Kennedy Jr, HHS Nominee:
“I’m going to support President Trump’s policies on Title 10. I agree with President Trump that every abortion is a tragedy. I agree we cannot be a moral nation if we have 1.2 million abortions a year. I agree with him that the states should control abortion.”
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, (D) Rhode Island:
“Americans are going to need to hear a clear and trustworthy recantation of what you have said on vaccinations, including a promise from you, never to say vaccines aren’t medically safe when they in fact, are. And making indisputably clear that you support mandatory vaccinations against diseases where that will keep people safe. You’re in that hole pretty deep. We’ve just had a measles case in Rhode Island, the first since 2013. And frankly, you frighten people.”
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert Kennedy Jr, HHS Nominee:
“I think it’s immoral to have a policy where patients are not allowed to report adverse events and doctors are discouraged from doing that. President Trump has asked me to study the safety of mifepristone, and he has not yet taken a stand on how to regulate it. Whatever he does, I will implement those policies. I will work with this committee to make those policies make sense.”
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Sen. Maggie Hassan, (D) New Hampshire:
RFK JR.: “Yes.”
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert Kennedy Jr, HHS Nominee:
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News post in February 3, 2025, 6:05 pm.
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