What to know about Trump’s first executive actions on climate and environment

(27 Jan 2025)

ARCHIVE: Washington, DC – 20 January 2025
1. President Donald Trump signing executive order

New York – 24 January 2025
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Michael Gerrard, director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University: ++PARTIALLY COVERED++
"President (Donald) Trump has issued a flurry of executive orders designed to cut back on U.S. environmental protection, to try to cut back on the growth of renewable energy and to try to ‘drill, baby, drill.’"

ARCHIVE: Washington, DC – 20 January 2025
3. UPSOUND (English) Will Scharf, White House Staff Secretary:
"The next item here is the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Treaty."
4. Cutaway of crowd

New York – 24 January 2025
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Michael Gerrard, director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University: ++PARTIALLY COVERED++
"The Paris climate agreement did not impose on the US or any country any particular obligations that it didn’t take on itself. So each country came up with its voluntary pledges. Trump, now, as he did before, is withdrawing from the negotiations. It means that the dominant player going forward will be China."

ARCHIVE: Permian Basin, Texas – 11-15 October 2021
6. Various oil wells

Phoenix – 23 January 2025
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Gary Dirks, senior director of the Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State University: ++PARTIALLY COVERED++
"So several of his executive orders will have the effect of at least trying to incentivize more production of oil and gas. And the reason I say trying is that it’s important to note that the United States right now is the largest producer of oil of any nation in history."

ARCHIVE: Hackberry, Louisiana – 1 April 2022
8. Various of flare burning at Venture Global LNG in Cameron

New York – 24 January 2025
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Michael Gerrard, director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University: ++PARTIALLY COVERED++
"It’s hard to imagine what kind of national energy emergency we’re in. The only justification that he put forth in the executive order was because of price. Now the price of energy is now not historically high. And none of the actions that he’s talking about taking will actually reduce the price of energy. Actually, some of them will increase the price of energy because wind, which is one of his particular targets, is an inexpensive way of producing energy. And if he’s trying to stop the development of wind, that’s going to hurt rather than help the price of energy."

ARCHIVE: At Sea off Montauk Point, New York – 7 December 2023
10. Drone video of first fully operational wind turbine spins at South Fork Wind farm in the Atlantic Ocean off the coasts of New York, Rhode Island and Connecticut
11. Various of wind turbines

New York – 24 January 2025
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Michael Gerrard, director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University:++PARTIALLY COVERED++
"The executive orders call for speeding up and in some cases bypassing the restrictions of the Endangered Species Act in allowing oil drilling for the first time in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which is a very important wildlife habitat that’s been protected for decades."

ARCHIVE: Kaktovik, Alaska – 14/16 October 2024
13. Aerial of Kaktovik, a community inside the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, on approach
14. Various of polar bears at a whale carcass

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News post in February 1, 2025, 6:05 pm.

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