Pets or pests? Taiwan encourages hunting of iguanas wreaking havoc on agriculture

(23 Jan 2025)


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Pingtung County, Taiwan – 21 January 2025

1. Various of Lee Chi-ya, Animal Protection and Conservation Section Chief of Pingtung County’s Agriculture Department filming an iguana on her phone at a spot where iguanas, an invasive species, are living
2. Wide of a pond in Pingtung County where iguanas are living
3. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin), Lee Chi-ya, Animal Protection and Conservation Section Chief of Pingtung County’s Agriculture Department:
“Although the iguanas are invasive species, we still want to keep the concept of life protection when we take them out. We hope that people follow the guidelines of the government on hunting iguanas so that it is done in a humane way. The guidelines also cited rules on tools to be used. We hope that people take it seriously when hunting iguanas. They should have in mind that they are contributing to environmental protection and balance of ecosystem when they take out iguanas.”

4. Various of Pingtung County residents stopping their scooters on the side of the road, and gesturing about the size of iguanas in their neighbourhood, and asking iguana hunters help them catch them
5. Mid of female Pingtung County resident exchanging contacts with iguana hunters
6. Various of an iguana on a tree branch over a pond

Taipei City, Taiwan – 22 January 2025
7. Various of Chou Chin-shan reading documents
8. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin), Chou Chin-shan, Deputy CEO of Life Conservationist Association of Taiwan:
“They (iguanas) used be rare and precious pets or ‘commodities’ that cost tens to hundreds of thousands (in New Taiwan Dollars). And suddenly they became iguanas that everyone seek to hunt, like a public enemy. We never saw this animal as a living creature. It was either an objectified commodity, or a species that we must eliminate. We failed to think why this species came to Taiwan, and each iguana’s painful fate in the hunting process.”

Pingtung County, Taiwan – 21 January, 2025
9. Various of an iguana hunter spotting an iguana near a pond and catching it with a sling
10. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin), Tsai Po-wen, 23-year-old vegetable farmer in Pingtung County,
“We grow agricultural products in the family. The iguanas are sometimes harmful to the products. At first, I did not know how to catch them. I had to learn from others, all from the beginning.”

11. Various of iguana hunters with the iguanas they caught

Taipei City, Taiwan – 22 January 2025
12. Close of Chou Chin-shan reading documents
13. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin), Chou Chin-shan, Deputy CEO of Life Conservationist Association of Taiwan:
“So, can humans still have animals? What is the definition of companion animals? What are pets? In fact, as a protector of animals, I wish that there were a more harmonious development in human-animal relations. This is the expectation that we have in promoting this idea. We hope that all animals are lifeforms, not commodities.”

Pingtung County, Taiwan – 21 January 2025
14. Various of iguana hunters preparing before they start hunting
15. Various of Pingtung County residents attending a class with a lecturer teaching them the basics of iguana hunting
16. Various of Hsu Wei-chieh, a lecturer from the Reptile Conservation Association of Taiwan, showing people how to safely catch an iguana with hands, using a toy iguana



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News post in January 28, 2025, 3:05 pm.

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