How a Voodoo festival is helping people learn more about their ancestry ++Replay++

(19 Jan 2025)



LENGTH : 4:19

Ouidah, Benin – 10 January 2025

1. Various of voodoo worshippers singing
2. Mid of tourists
3. Various of Voodoo worshippers singing and dancing
4. Various of tourist dancing with a Voodoo worshipper
5. Mid of Voodoo worshipper
6. Various of Zangbeto masquerades performing

Ouidah, Benin – 11 January 2025

7. Mid of Jaimie Lyne dancing with her partner

Ouidah, Benin – 10 January 2025

8. SOUNDBITE (English), Jaimie Lyne, Tourist
“I’ve been wanting to experience what Vodun is from, because the perspective of it is that it’s very demonized. So, we wanted to come here, especially because 2 years ago, my mom came here but not during Vodun, so I wanted to experience Benin and Vodun at the same time.”

9. Various of Jaimie Lyne with her tour guide looking at souvenirs
10. Close up of souvenir
11. SOUNDBITE (English), Jaimie Lyne, Tourist
“I think one thing I want the people to appreciate about the Vodun culture is that it’s the culture of communion with the land and the elements, and it’s really more about how everything has an explanation in terms of all of the symptoms, all of the realities of the world, the rain, the sun, etcetera. So, it’s mostly something that just links everything and makes it whole.”

12. Mid of Voodoo worshipper dancing

Ouidah, Benin – 11 January 2025

13. Various of Jaimie Lyne arriving at the beach
14. Jaimie Lyne and her partner using AP Gopro
UPSOUND: (English) Jaimie Lyne, Tourist
"Yeah, fantastic. We love it here"

15. SOUNDBITE (English), Jaimie Lyne, Tourist
"For me, after participating in the Vodun Festival, one thing that I’m going to take home with me to the Caribbean is that Vodun is something to be learned and understood. And mostly it’s not even a religion; it is truly a ritual that the people participate in, which means that if they are, you know, from another religion, they can 100 percent mix and match with it and mostly stop demonizing it.”

Ouidah, Benin – 10 January 2025

16. Various of voodoo artefacts

Ouidah, Benin – 11 January 2025

17. SOUNDBITE (English), Jaimie Lyne, Tourist
"I think with everything we’ve seen, I don’t think it’s excitement. It’s coming to, day by day, minute by minute, feeling like, you know, feeling like, you know more, feeling like, you’ve learned more about your past, about who you are, who your ancestors were. And it’s not excitement it’s just fulfilment.”

Ouidah, Benin – 10 January 2025

18. Mid of tourist at the python temple
19. Set up Suzanne Celeste Delaunay Belleville, Voodoo Priestess
20. SOUNDBITE (French), Suzanne Celeste Delaunay Belleville, Voodoo Priestess:
“This is a way to show people the pomp, the beauty, and the value of Voodoo, and more importantly, the value and spirit of the Beninese people. I will even say, of all African people. It’s important for us to be able to carry our message ourselves. No one can better talk about us than ourselves.”

21. Cutaway Suzanne Celeste Delaunay Belleville, Voodoo Priestess
22. SOUNDBITE (French), Suzanne Celeste Delaunay Belleville, Voodoo Priestess:
“And all the lands that people were sent to (deportation), from Haiti to Martinique to Guadeloupe, to St. Lucia, to Cuba, and to Brazil, with different names—there is voodoo. With a different history.”

23. Various of Voodoo worshipper
24. SOUNDBITE (French), Christian Houetchenou, the Mayor of Ouidah:


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News post in January 24, 2025, 3:04 am.

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