Art Journaling for Caregivers

Art journaling for caregivers brought to you by the VA Caregiver Support Program and the US Department of Veterans Affairs. Art journaling benefits caregivers by lowering stress and boosting mood, decreasing feelings of isolation, promoting positive identity affirmation and improving cognitive functioning. Art journaling workshops are now available through the Caregiver Support Program and participants can receive a creative arts workbook, try out fun and relaxing art journaling techniques, connect with other caregivers and engage in self-care all without leaving their home or care recipient.

Learn more about the Caregiver Support Program (CSP) by visiting #caregivers, #Refresh&Renew, #vacaregiversupport, #PCAFC, #PGCSS

Author: Veterans Health Administration
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News post in January 16, 2025, 3:05 am.

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