Virginia capital’s water woes almost at end

(9 Jan 2025)

Richmond, Virginia – 9 January 2025
1. Various of YMCA exterior
2. Wide of caregiver Theresa Fulgham and client Charles Cannon
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Theresa Fulgham, caregiver:
"Me and my client, we’re getting ready to take a shower. (REPORTER: How long has it been? What’s the week been like?) This is three days. It’s been, it’s been manageable. With the snow and ice, we’ve been able to get us some water to flush toilets, and bottled water to brush our teeth and take little bird baths. But we need a shower today. Enough is enough."
4. Various of YMCA logo on wall
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Theresa Fulgham, caregiver:
"We’re not going to blame it on the mayor. This, this whole system needs need to be redone. We need some work done."
6. Various of Fulgham and Cannon walking to showers
7. Wide of Jody Alexander, President and CEO, YMCA of Greater Richmond
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Jody Alexander, YMCA of Greater Richmond:
"We’ve had well over 4,000 people that have taken advantage of this. And those aren’t people that are members. That’s the community coming in and taking advantage of our hot showers."
9. Wide of mission statement on wall
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Jody Alexander, YMCA of Greater Richmond:
"Just something as basic as a hot shower has been such a meaningful experience to just know, you know, `Oh my gosh,’ we take it for granted that water means and we’ve got the locations. So, we want to make sure we’re open to everybody."
11. Wide of man on bicycle carrying water buckets
12. Wide of Cynthia Dejnozka (PRONOUNCER: deh-NOZ-kah) and son, Samuel, walking into community center
13. Various of facade
14. Tight of sign for water distribution
15. Various of Dejnozka signing in and getting water
16. Tight of water pallet
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Cynthia Dejnozka, third-grade teacher:
"We collected water off of the downspouts of our house for our toilets over the past couple of days. And for drinking water, we actually went out to Midlothian, Virginia, and got some water from a grocery store from there. And then started yesterday coming and getting the water from the Randolph Community Center."
18. Mid of mother and son holding water
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Cynthia Dejnozka, third-grade teacher:
"It is hard to believe that it happened in a city like this. I am very hopeful that nothing will happen again. But I will be more prepared next time."
20. Wide of mother and son walking away
21. Various of water treatment plant
22. Tight of water pot on stove
23. SOUNDBITE (English) Susan Stevens, lives near water plant:
"We’re neighbors of the water treatment plant. They’re just down the road from us. And it’s ironic that, being so close, we also have all the same negative effects of not having water. But that’s just the way it is."
24. Mid of dirty pots in sinks
25. SOUNDBITE (English) Susan Stevens, lives near water plant:
"I’m a tea drinker and I take, have quite a few cups a day. And I take the water from the tap and I boil it vigorously for about 3 or 4 minutes. And then I put it in the tea cup."
26. Mid of Stevens turning on tap UPSOUND "And it took forever to fill up the pot for tea."
27. Tight of water trickling into pan
28. Mid of Stevens sipping tea UPSOUND "Tastes great."
29. Mid of cup on counter
After three days of melting snow and ice, caregiver Theresa Fulgham and her client, headed to the YMCA for a hot shower.

The water system in the state capital shut down because of a malfunction that was caused by a power failure during Monday’s snowstorm.

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News post in January 14, 2025, 9:04 pm.

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