(14 Oct 1971) Expelled Soviet officials leave Tilbury docks aboard Soviet cruise ship Baltika. Attempted interviews with Soviet officials. Moscow Narodny Bank official says he is displeased. British Foreign Secretary Sir Alec
Douglas-Home comments on expulsions. Soviet shop in London, Aeroflot offices, Soviet weekly newspaper on newsstand. EXT Moscow Narodny Bank, Anglo-Soviet Shipping Company, UMO plant and bulldozers for hire. London’s Highgate suburb, where many Soviet officials live. Interview with English resident who says Soviets didn’t mix with locals. Newspaper headlines on Lialin defection. Reconstruction of drunken driving incident which led to Lialin’s arrest. Marlborough Street Court. Offices of Razno & Co., Soviet firm where Lialin worked. Interview with Razno employee who says Lialin was junior translator and led lively social life. Interview with head of Soviet Embassy Information, Georgi Kuznetzov, who denies Lialin was spying, says expulsions attempt to divert attention from domestic troubles of British government. Official British security film purports to show exchange of information through "deadletter box" system between British agent and Soviet diplomat V.A. Drozov, expelled in 1968. Concorde jetliner built at BAC works, Filton,
Bristol. Interview with ex-employee James Doyle, who claims he sold Concorde electronic data to Soviets. Baltika at Tilbury Docks. Soviets arrive on quay, depart. Interview with Kuznetzov who says
expulsions will damage Anglo-Soviet relations. Soviet ship unloading at Tilbury Docks.
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