Athenians and tourists gather in Athens to release Christmas wishes on paper lanterns

(24 Dec 2024)


Greece, Athens – 24 December 2024

1. Drone shot of sky lanterns being released in Kotzia Square, Athens"
2. Various shots of people releasing lanterns
3. SOUNDBITE (Greek) Haris Doukas Mayor of Athens:
"We are in Kotzia Square on Christmas Eve. It’s a night of wishes. We gathered thousands of people and thousands of wishes. The lanterns are currently travelling in the sky of Athens. We’re very happy. Athens celebrates, becomes a huge and very beautiful event. Best wishes to everyone! Merry Christmas!"
4. Various shots of people releasing lanterns into the sky
5. SOUNDBITE (English ) Olga (last name not given) Athens resident:
"I am very touched. I make a wish and I send my energy to my parents in the sky and I make a wish to have health, wealth and happiness."
6. Various shots of people preparing to release a lantern
7. Various shots of people releasing a lantern into the sky
8. Medium shot of Galina Muzaeva and her family

9. SOUNDBITE (English ) Galina Muzaeva from Ukraine:
"Big wishes for the people of Greece and for the people of my Ukraine. Peace and good health for all people."
10. Various shots of released lanterns
Hundreds of Greeks gathered outside Athens City Hall in the capital on Christmas eve to make a wish and release paper lanterns into the night sky.

The annual gathering in the citys central Kotzia square was overseen by Haris Doukas, the Myor of Athens. β€œIt’s a night of wishes. We gathered thousands of people and thousands of wishes. The lanterns are currently travelling in the sky of Athens. We’re very happy. Athens celebrates, becomes a huge and very beautiful event.

The event was also attended by Galina Muzaeva, a Ukrainian in Greece, "Big wishes for the people of Greece and for the people of my Ukraine. Peace and good health for all people,” she said.

This event was Organised by the Municipality of Athens.

AP video shot by: Srdjan Nedeljkovic and Thanassis Stavrakis


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News post in December 29, 2024, 9:05 pm.

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