Does the UK Prime Minister get a Christmas holiday? Your questions answered | BBC Newscast

Today, we’re answering your questions about Christmas, UK politics and what goes on behind the scenes at Newscast HQ.

Adam, Paddy, Alex, Henry and Marianna cram into the Newscast studio for a Newscast Christmas party.

What’s on Henry Zeffman’s Christmas list? Is Die Hard a Christmas film? And where does the UK Prime Minister spend Christmas Day? Newscast answers all this and more.

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00:00 Introduction
02:32 What’s your favourite political system?
09:23 What’s at the top of your Christmas list
13:33 Does the UK Prime Minister get a break over Christmas?
16:45 What’s the most fun you’ve had working this year?
20:36 What drink would you have on Christmas day?
23:47 Best Christmas film?

Author: BBC News
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News post in December 24, 2024, 3:05 pm.

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