(31 Dec 1950) Story 6, MARCH OF TIME OUTS:TITO 1950, ref: 200 MTT 1470 F,
1950, b/w, mute
06:17:23: Shots Kumrocov, Croatia, village where Tito was born – CU of the village sign, shots of houses, Tito’s birthplace at centre. A young woman carrying a baby, church on a hill in background. Further shots of Tito’s birthplace.
06:18:37: Tourists (?) visiting Tito’s place of birth
06:18:44: Great shots Tito in uniform at desk looking through papers. (Bust of Lenin ? behind) Tito smokes a cigarette through pipe-shaped cigarette holder.
06:19:18: Tito gives instructions to (male) secretary(?), who takes notes. Good view of Tito’s ornate desk-chair and large oil painting and model plane behind.
06:20:20: Lovely shots Tito gets up, leaves glasses on table, pauses in front of painting. CU glasses on table. He joins March of Time reporters in garden. CU of Tito’s cigarette holder, and ‘star" buttons on his jacket. CU Tito laughing and smoking.
06:21:53: Tito walks with dog in grounds
06:22:17: Static shot of villa.
06:22:33: Soldier approaches gates.
06:22:39: Static shot of villa gates, car exits, soldiers close the gates, static shot of gates.
06:23:16: Tito’s sectretary (?) works at desk, a portrait of Tito hangs on the wall behind him. (Sequence is repeated several times)
06:25:53: out
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News post in December 9, 2024, 12:04 pm.
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