Kosovo honours police officer killed in shootout with Serb gunmen

(24 Sep 2024)

Banjska, Kosovo – 24 September 2024
1. Kosovo Police van on the road leading to the village of Banjsko
2. Kosovo Police officers at the crossroads
3. Pan from the village to Banjska sign
4. Mid of Banjska monastery
5. Police officers
6. Kosovar prime minister’s escort arriving in Banjska
7. KFOR (Kosovo Force) helicopter flying
8. Various of Prime Minister Albin Kurti arriving at the site where a Kosovo Policemen was killed last year
9. Various of Kurti revealing the street sign with the name of the killed police officer
10. SOUNDBITE (Albanian) Albin Kurti, Kosovo Prime Minister:
”One year has passed since the heroic fall of the Kosovo police officer Afrim Bunjaku, who together with his colleagues, arrived at a place where an ambush was prepared against our police officers from paramilitaries and terrorists who were orchestrated, directed and financed by Serbia. They (the attackers) had a lot of weapons, according to the seized weapons by the Kosovo police, there were 105 kinds of weapons and more than 80.000 rounds of ammunition. This shows that Banjska of 24 September 2023 was a plan for attacking Kosovo, was an aggression against its sovereignty, its integrity and peace.”
11. Pan from press to Kurti
12. SOUNDBITE (Albanian) Albin Kurti, Kosovo Prime Minister:
”Serbia is responsible; she has to be held accountable for it, and for this, we are asking the international community to apply pressure because Milan Radojcic (suspect) and his criminals need to be handed over to the Kosovo police and Kosovos institution to face justice. The aim (of the attack) was for Kosovo to be divided and a part of the territory to be annexed. But the heroic fall of Afrim Bunjaku was not vain but was a victory for Kosovo state for all its citizens, for its sovereignty and territorial integrity protection.”
13. Various Banjska village
Serbia is responsible and should be held accountable, Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Tuesday while naming a street after the Kosovar police officer killed last year by an armed Serbian group.

Kurti on Tuesday held Serbia accountable for trying to annex part of its territory through an incursion of an armed group that killed the police officer in a shootout last year and raised tensions between the sides.

Kurti called on the international community to press Belgrade to hand over the gunmen who retreated to Serbia following a 12-hour standoff at a Serbian Orthodox monastery at Banjska, 55 kilometers (30 miles) north of the capital Pristina.

“Serbia is responsible; she has to be held accountable," said Kurti. “The plan was to divide Kosovo. The plan was to annex part of its territory.”

Kurti said the paramilitary group was “orchestrated and financed from Serbia” and had earlier brought to Kosovo a large quantity of weaponry “for a wider and longer conflict.” Kosovo police later confiscated some 105 weapons and more than 80,000 ammunition rounds. Serbia says the gunmen acted on their own.

A road to Banjska was named Afrim Bonjaku, after the slain police officer.

AP Video by Florent Bajrami


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News post in September 29, 2024, 12:04 pm.

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