Ukrainian military veterans take part in charity run in Kyiv

(23 Sep 2024)

Kyiv – 22 September 2024
1. Wide of Nova Post barrier-free marathon event
2. Close of marathon sign
3. Disabled soldier in wheelchair
4. Various of disabled soldier preparing for marathon
5. Close of number sign on participant’s chest
6. Participant in wheelchair
7. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Oleh Kupa, 44, fighter of 128th mountain assault brigade:
"This is one way to show that life doesn’t end in any case. What matters is your mindset. If you want to live, you will live—without hands, without legs, blind… but you will live, you will find joy in life and make good use of the time that God and fate have given you."
8. Various of participants preparing for marathon
9. Participant giving a radio interview
10. Disabled soldier with son
11. Woman with prosthetic leg walking
12. Woman walking on prosthetics
13. Wide of participants preparing
14. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Inna Popereshniuk, co-founder Nova Post, organiser and ambassador NewRun barrier-free-marathon:
"To date, over 300,000 people have received disability status in Ukraine due to two years of war. Society cannot stand aside. Nova Poshta is a socially responsible business. We have opened the first barrier-free branch in Kyiv. Today, we are holding the first barrier-free marathon. We are making running accessible to everyone. Many parents with children in wheelchairs have completed the 42 and 21 km distances today. We saw many parents yesterday running with strollers. Today, we see many defenders on prosthetics covering their kilometres."
"We have many instructors who provide translation for people with hearing impairments, and we also have instructors who help those with visual impairments run. This means accessibility for everyone—a completely barrier-free marathon."
15. Wide of representatives of Association of Families of Defenders of Azovstal
16. Close of sign on chest of representative
17. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Kateryna Prokopenko, 29, head of Association of Families of Defenders of Azovstal, activist, wife of Azov Brigade commander:
"We, along with our girls from the Association of Families of Defenders of Azovstal, are going to run for the injured guys. I will primarily run for the boys who were wounded during the battles for Mariupol. Currently, they are in enemy captivity without access to medical treatment or essential rehabilitation. We are running for them, for their return first and foremost, and we hope that they will receive proper rehabilitation in Ukraine and continue to defend our country. I know that most of them want this."
18. Wide of marathon participants walking to start line
19. Wide of start of marathon run
20. Blind participant running
21. Various of participants running
22. Woman crying while watching race
23. Participant Hlib crossing finish line
24. Organiser giving Hlib medal
25. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Hlib, call sign "Mexicaniec", 26, veteran of war, shooting instructor:
"This is my first marathon that I ran without a leg. Everyone here is very supportive, and it feels great to have support from people like me. I want to see more events like this. It’s better for us in society than being alone. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!"
26. Wide of representatives of Association of Families of Defenders of Azovstal reaching finish line
27. Wide of logo, participants running
28. Various of Maksym and Oleksandra reaching finish line
29. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Maksym Mikheev, 38, participant:
30. Various of participants receiving medals
31. Close of disabled participant showing medals

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News post in September 28, 2024, 3:04 am.

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