Funeral held for five civilians killed in Israeli strike in Beirut suburb

(22 Sep 2024)

Mays al-Jabal, Lebanon – 22 September 2024
1. Various of coffins being carried through crowd
2. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Sheikh Bassam Karout, local imam:
“Tell our brothers in this country, you must realize that this enemy and America and all these countries behind it are traitors to us and have betrayed us and sold us out and do not believe our words. Therefore, this enemy only understands one language, which is the language of force, weapons, and the missiles that were dropped on its head today. They realize the truth that this position is what will be for the coming days.”
3. Various of funeral procession
4. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Melhem Khalaf, Lebanese member of parliament:
“The Israeli escape from all rules has become the behavioral rule and with this rule, they are confirming that it relies on the laws of the jungle instead of international conventions, especially with protecting civilians which is one of the basic foundations of the law of war and international conventions.”
5. Various of funeral procession and people chanting
6. Various of march with coffins
7. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Batoul Nasrallah, relative of deceased:
“The Israelis are too cowardly to continue the war. The Israelis are very cowardly. We are stronger than them, God willing. We will continue on this path until the end, even though we will be going to pay with our lives, our money, our children, and everything we own. We will continue, in God willing, on this path until the end.”
8. Various of funeral
A funeral was held in the southern Lebanese border town of Mays al-Jabal with hundreds of people in attendance on Sunday for seven people killed in an Israeli strike in Beirut, among them three women and two girls.

The Israeli strike on Friday in a crowded suburb south of the Lebanese capital killed several members of the militant Hezbollah group, including the head of its elite Radwan Forces Ibrahim Akil. Civilians were among the dozens killed.

The coffins were brought in, five draped in Lebanese flags, and two in flags of Hezbollah’s Imam Mahdi Scouts.

Men in black wearing yellow scarves with the Hezbollah logo stood quietly, as women wept and threw rice and rose petals over the coffins. People also waved flags of Hezbollah and ally Lebanese Shia political party the Amal Movement.

They expressed their rage at Israel’s actions in southern Lebanon in the conflict that has last almost a year with Hezbollah.

“Tell our brothers in this country, you must realize that this enemy and America and all these countries behind it are traitors to us and have betrayed us and sold us out and do not believe our words,” said Sheikh Bassam Karout, a local Imam who officiated the funeral.

“(Israel) relies on the laws of the jungle instead international conventions, especially with protecting civilians,” Melhem Khalaf, a Christian Lebanese parliamentarian, told The Associated Press as he attended the funeral.

AP video shot by Mohammad Zanaty


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News post in September 27, 2024, 6:05 pm.

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