New Zealand’s army chief: Pacific nations need tailored military training

(20 Sep 2024)

Wellington – 20 September 2024
1. New Zealand’s army chief Major General Rose King speaking during interview
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Major General Rose King, New Zealand Army chief:
"I think that great power competition is playing out within the Pacific. Again, our policy documents talk about that, and so people are watching that area. But I think the other thing I would say, and you alluded to this, you know, we’ve got great relationships within the Pacific. We are from and of the Pacific ourselves, and I’m really proud of those relationships we have with our Pacific partners and how we support each other and how we work together. And again, I spoke earlier about diversity of thought, that, to me, is really important, and through the training that we do, so we do exercises training activities throughout the Pacific, just as Pacific Islands do here as well. And we really learn from each other and we can grow how we do things through our interoperability, but also just learning from each other. It’s a great environment to be in."
3. King speaking during interview
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Major General Rose King, New Zealand Army chief:
"It’s not about us, going ‘oh, hey, here’s something that we can give you.’ It’s very much, we work in a partnership. And I would like to think the relationships we have are at that level now that, you know, we can be really frank with each other. And, you know, as I mentioned last week, I was at a symposium in Australia, and connected with a number of our Pacific partners, and the feedback we get from them is great, right? So, what is it that they are after? What’s landing? What do we need to pull back? It’s very much a partnership approach."
5. Pan of King’s uniform during interview
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Major General Rose King, New Zealand Army chief:
"I don’t think I’ve had specific feedback since I’ve been in this role. I’ve only been in it for a short period. But I think as a general sort of thing, the offers of help. So one of the things we are hearing from some of the Pacific nations is lots of people offering help, but it’s not necessarily the help they need, which goes back to that point I said about how to to listen to them. It’s at their pace, what they need, not us forcing things on them. So that may be one of those indications of those that we see."
7. Close up King’s hands
8. SOUNDBITE (English/Maori) Major General Rose King, New Zealand Army chief:
"What happens in the Pacific impacts us. It is our neighborhood, our whanau (family), that’s really important to us. And I think because right now that those two things I mentioned in regard to, so firstly, the great power competition playing out in the Pacific, but also climate change, you know, you’re going to have an increase not only in the frequency of climate change, but also the scale of what’s occurring is at bigger levels, and anything that happens in the Pacific impacts us. So of course, we’re very interested and really supportive how we can help each other."
9. Close up king speaking during interview
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Major General Rose King, New Zealand Army chief:
11. King speaking during interview
As the U.S., China and other powers vie for strategic influence in Pacific Island militaries, the army chief of New Zealand told The Associated Press that not all of the larger nations bidding to offer support are supplying what tiny island nations find most helpful.

The army’s highest-ranking official, who was appointed in June, is the first woman to lead a branch of the New Zealand military.

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News post in September 25, 2024, 9:05 pm.

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